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Spring Data Repositories - Best practices

Spring Data Repositories - Best practices

Slides of my webinar on Spring Data Repositories best practices. The demo slides contain direct links to the demo snippets in the webinar recording.


Oliver Drotbohm

February 18, 2014

More Decks by Oliver Drotbohm

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  1. !2 Oliver Gierke ! Spring Data Project Lead JPA 2.1

    Expert Group ! ogierke@gopivotal.com www.olivergierke.de olivergierke
  2. !3 Thomas Darimont ! Spring Data Engineer JPA / MongoDB

    / Redis ! tdarimont@gopivotal.com www.tutorials.de thomasdarimont
  3. Demo Check out Spring Boot Easily configure dependencies for your

    project Defaults application config based on classpath ! Jump to the video !8
  4. !10 "Persistence technology of choice is JPA. The application uses

    JavaConfig and sample data contained in data.sql.
  5. !13 "The implementation of the persistence layer will be based

    on the Spring Data repositories abstraction. Customers can be saved, looked up by their id, email address.
  6. Demo Re-declare methods to customize Return types Annotation config (Tx,

    Locking, Query, Hints) ! Jump to the video !23
  7. Demo Craft custom base interface Narrow down the API to

    the necessary parts ! Jump to the video !26
  8. !28 "As a user, I want to look up products

    by their custom attributes.
  9. !31 "As a user, I want to search for customers

    by first name, last name, email address and any combination of them
  10. !34 "As an admin user, I'd like to use custom

    code to delete all products beyond a 
 given price.
  11. Proxy mechanism Using Spring's JDK proxy support Bootstrap through Factory

    Spring FactoryBean / CDI XML namespace / @EnableRepositories !37
  12. !51 Spring Data Modern Data Access For Enterprise Java NoSQL

    JPA JDBC Redis Big Data Hadoop HBase MongoDB Neo4j REST exporter Roo Hive Pig Querydsl Repositories Gemfire Splunk
  13. !52 Get More Refcardz! Visit refcardz.com #184 By: Oliver Gierke

    ABOUT THE SPRING DATA PROJECT The Spring Data project is part of the ecosystem surrounding the Spring Framework and constitutes an umbrella project for advanced data access related topics. It contains modules to support traditional relational data stores (based on plain JDBC or JPA), NoSQL ones (like MongoDB, Neo4j or Redis), and big data technologies like Apache Hadoop. The core mission of the project is to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for various data access technologies while retaining VWRUHVSHFLͤFIHDWXUHVDQGFDSDELOLWLHV General Themes ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH&RQͤJXUDWLRQ6XSSRUW $FRUHWKHPHRIDOOWKH6SULQJ'DWDSURMHFWVLVVXSSRUWIRUFRQͤJXULQJ resources to access the underlying technology. This support is implemented using XML namespaces and support classes for Spring -DYD&RQͤJDOORZLQJ\RXWRHDVLO\VHWXSDFFHVVWRD0RQJRGDWDEDVHDQ embedded Neo4j instance, and the like. Also, integration with core Spring functionality like JMX is provided, meaning that some stores will expose statistics through their native API, which will be exposed to JMX via Spring Data. 2EMHFW0DSSLQJ)UDPHZRUN Most of the NoSQL Java APIs do not provide support to map domain objects onto the stores’ data model (e.g., documents in MongoDB, or nodes and relationships for Neo4j). So, when working with the native Java GULYHUV\RXZRXOGXVXDOO\KDYHWRZULWHDVLJQLͤFDQWDPRXQWRIFRGHWR map data onto the domain objects of your application when reading, and vice versa on writing. Thus, a core part of the Spring Data project is a mapping and conversion API that allows obtaining metadata about domain classes to be persisted and enables the conversion of arbitrary domain REMHFWVLQWRVWRUHVSHFLͤFGDWDW\SHV 7HPSODWH$3,V 2QWRSRIWKHREMHFWPDSSLQJ$3,ZH̵OOͤQGRSLQLRQDWHG$3,VLQWKHIRUP of template pattern implementations already well-known from Spring’s JPA XML element Description <jpa:repositories /> Enables Spring Data repositories support for repository interfaces underneath the package configured in the base-package attribute. JavaConfig equivalent is @EnableJpaRepositories. <jpa:auditing /> Enables transparent auditing of JPA managed entities. Note that this requires the AuditingEntityListener applied to the entity (either globally through a declaration in orm.xml or through @EntityListener on the entity class). MongoDB For Spring Data MongoDB XML namespace elements not mentioning a GHGLFDWHG#(QDEOHDQQRWDWLRQDOWHUQDWLYH\RXXVXDOO\GHFODUHDQ#%HDQ annotated method and use the plain Java APIs of the classes that would have otherwise been set up by the XML element. Alternatively, you can use WKH-DYD&RQͤJEDVHFODVV$EVWUDFW0RQJR&RQͤJXUDWLRQWKDW6SULQJ'DWD MongoDB ships for convenience. XML element Description <mongo:db-factory /> One stop shop to set up a Mongo instance pointing to a particular database instance. For advanced-use cases define a <mongo:mongo /> extenally and refer to it using a mongo-ref attribute. <mongo:mongo /> Configures a Mongo instance. Supports basic attributes like host, port, write concern etc. Configure more advanced options through the nested <mongo:options /> element. In JavaConfig simply declare an @Bean method returning a Mongo instance. <mongo:mapping-converter /> Configures a MappingMongoConverter. CONTENTS INCLUDE: kAbout the Spring Data Project kConfiguration Support kObject Mapping kTemplate APIs kRepositories kAdvanced Features... and more! Core Spring Data
  14. More information Oliver Gierke - ogierke@gopivotal.com Thomas Darimont - tdarimont@gopivotal.com

    http:/ /projects.spring.io/spring-data http:/ /bit.ly/stack-overflow-spring-data !54