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OpenShift Commons Chicago 2023 -Case Study: Mic...

OpenShift Commons Chicago 2023 -Case Study: Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift Managed Service

Renato Bettini (Bradesco), João Carlos Peixoto (Red Hat), and Filipe Caló (Red Hat) present at the OpenShift Commons Gathering Co-Located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023.

OpenShift Commons

November 17, 2023

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  1. 2 Speakers Renato Bettini Container Platform Engineering Specialist Bradesco João

    Carlos Peixoto Senior Managed Services Black Belt Red Hat Filipe Caló Associate Principal Solutions Architect Red Hat
  2. 3 + 90 K Employees US$ 1.2 bi Invested in

    Technology/2022 Founded in 1943 77 mi Customers + 7 K Branches Pas/UNs US$ 1.7 bi Recurring Net Profit 1S23 About Bradesco | Overview US$ 380 bi Total Assets
  3. 5 2 bi interactions with BIA since its launch. 98

    % Transactions were made on Digital Channels 94 % concentrated on Mobile and Internet + 15 mi transactions a day NP channel 84 mi requests a day 57 % growth in financial transactions on mobile About Bradesco | Digital Channels
  4. 6 2 datacenters, supporting and maintaining the entire infrastructure Around

    56 hours to provision new clusters.... Applications not synchronized for capacity purposes... According to the project capacity, it was necessary to purchase hardware Self-Managed environment All infrastructure was self-managed by the bank team. Updates frequently required. How where we one year ago? Large on-premise infrastructure Limited resources based in HW acquisition High time to deliver new on-premise clusters Active / Standby Topology
  5. 7 2 hours to provisioning new clusters.... Cloud Managed environment

    Large hybrid infrastructure Elastic resources in a PAYG consumption model Short time to deliver new clusters Active / Active Topology Where we are today
  6. Agile Delivery - Infrastructure as code - Self service catalog

    9 Scalability - Meet the size or volume according to demand / requests - Automatically increase or decrease infrastructure High Availability - Distributed components across availability zones Security - Meet all requirements and security definitions of the company Managed Platform - Reduce effort on self-managed infrastructure Key points required and target
  7. Networking • Address Spaces • Load Balancers • Internet Access

    • DNS We have jointly agreed in a proof of concept to have a better understanding of Openshift Managed Services in Azure 10 Compute • Instance Types • Compatibilities • Autoscaling Automation • Terraform • ARM Template • AZ CLI • Ansible • Integrations Security • Key Vault • Certificates • Cryptography • Backup • Cybersecurity Frameworks (NIST) • Authentication • Vulnerabilities • RBAC • NSG Storage • Disk types • Storage Classes • Replication Monitoring Governance • Tags • FinOps • Shared Responsabilities Capacity Operations The journey
  8. 11 Networkin g Storage Compute Automatio n Security Governanc e

    Capacity Monitoring Operation s “ARO DAY” schedules The journey
  9. 12 The time taken to deliver one cluster 100% configured

    according to our standards is now 2 hours per cluster Agile Delivery The journey | Addressing challenges and targets
  10. 14 Security Compliance with more than 150 k8s security configurations

    according NIST 800-53 Azure Key Vault Integration Daily Backups using OADP Operator The journey vs Challenges/Targets
  11. Security OpenID Authentication + RBAC OpenID for authentication and OpenShift

    RBAC for authorization access in clusters All managed disks are encrypted Encryption All clusters are monitored by Microsoft Defender The journey vs Challenges/Targets
  12. 16 • 96% of time reduction in provisioning new clusters

    • More than 40 clusters already deployed • More than 2000 vCPUs allocated • Zero downtime of platform services • No blocking due to lack of computing resources (capacity) 96% of time reduction more than 40 clusters and 2000 vCPU’s Results after 1 year results
  13. + 880 k peak requests /min 40 clusters in cloud

    + 3 k deployments + 30 k PODs + 2 k nodes + 526 mi record number of requests /day 80 clusters onprem Current status
  14. Increase cloud services consumption Keep improving agile delivery Increase managed

    environments Decrease Self-Managed environments Future
  15. CONFIDENTIAL designator linkedin.com/company/red-hat youtube.com/user/RedHatVideos facebook.com/redhatinc twitter.com/RedHat 19 Red Hat is

    the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions. Award-winning support, training, and consulting services make Red Hat a trusted adviser to the Fortune 500. Thank you