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Introduction to computational finance 2

Oursky Limited
January 14, 2013

Introduction to computational finance 2

Oursky Limited

January 14, 2013


  1. QSTK Major components: • Data: A data access package that

    enables fast reading of historical data (qstkutil. DataAccess). • Processing tools: Uses pandas, a Python package designed for time series evaluation of equity data. • Portfolio optimization: Using the CVXOPT library.
  2. QSTK • Event studies: An efficient event analyzer, Event_Profiler. •

    Simulation: A simple backtester, quicksim, that includes transaction cost modeling.
  3. Portfolio Optimization Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) • first introduced in

    1952 by Harry Markowitz • an important advance in math modeling of finance • maximize porfolio expected return for a given amount of portfolio risk
  4. Portfolio Optimization Concept • assets with higher expected return are

    riskier • there exists a highest expected return for each given amount risk • diversification should generate higher expected returns than individual assets