DEMO 'self' ドキュメント自身と同一オリジンの場合にのみ許可する Refers to the host from which the protected document is being served, including the same URL scheme and port number 'none' どのオリジンも許可しない Refers to the empty set; that is, no URLs match. The single quotes are required. 'unsafe-‐inline' script-‐src、style-‐srcにおいてインラインでのスクリプト記述、スタイル記述を許 可する Allows the use of inline resources, such as inline <script> elements, javascript: URLs, inline event handlers, and inline <style> elements. You must include the single quotes. 'unsafe-‐eval' JavaScript内でのeval、Func7on、setTimeout、setIntervalといった文字列から コードを生成する機能を許可する Allows the use of inline resources, such as inline <script> elements, javascript: URLs, inline event handlers, and inline <style> elements. You must include the single quotes.