Metropolises, suburbia, and postindustrial wastelands of the Northeast provide unique habitats for enterprising lichens and are rapidly becoming relichenized following modern improvements in air quality. Alliances of fungi and algae are actively reclaiming urban spaces and increasing biodiversity. Hours of mycological observation can be enjoyed by visiting your closest street tree or concrete surface without setting foot in a park or garden. We’ll review the basics of lichen structure and identification, meet the most common urban lichens of our region, and explore urban lichen ecology.
Presented at:
• 2019-08-29: New Moon Mycology Summit (NMMS), Thurman, NY
• 2019-05-20: New York Mycological Association (NYMS) Emil Lang Lecture Series, New York, NY
• 2018-07-27: Northeast Mycological Federation (NEMF) 42nd Samuel Ristich Foray, Geneseo, NY