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LearnForward presentation at Frankfurt Bookfair...

Paul Balogh
October 09, 2014

LearnForward presentation at Frankfurt Bookfair 2014

1/2 of the presentation on-stage

Paul Balogh

October 09, 2014

Other Decks in Education


  1. Why doubt ePub3? 2014 + poor interactivity + needs reader

    + not easily maintainable + no collaboration
  2. ePub3 + real interactivity + no reader + easily maintainable

    + real-time collaboration + poor interactivity + needs reader + not easily maintainable + no collaboration non-ePub3
  3. Learn Forward 2014+ + real interactivity + no reader +

    easily maintainable + real-time collaboration
  4. Learn Forward Author + free + open-source (Github) + easy

    to work with (basic HTML) + a huge starter package + produces clean, 
 fully offline HTML5 textbooks + responsiveness built-in
  5. Learn Forward Author distribution + offline distribution (burn CDs, 

    use USB thumb drives) + online (download from your own server) + apps (same textbooks packages as iOS, 
 Android, Windows, Mac OS apps) + apps - better solution for DRM than ebook DRM
  6. Learn Forward Classroom = LearnFwd Author + special modules +

    advanced exercises + collaborative (classroom features) + cute, helpful avatar (hates Clippit) + notifications
  7. Learn Forward Pro coming soon = LearnFwd Classroom + on-line

    platform + hosted platform + accounts administration + centralised catalogue of courses + real-time collaboration 
 between remote access points