published by Ordinance MTb no. 3,214, of June 8, 1978, under the title “Liquid and Flammable Fuels”, in order to regulate item II of article 200 of the CLT, as worded by Law no. 6,514. , December 22, 1977. Regulatory Standard No. 20 (NR-20), as classified in SIT Ordinance No. 787, of November 29, 2018, is a special standard, since it regulates the execution of work with flammable and combustible materials, considering the activities, facilities and equipment used, without being conditioned to specific sectors or economic activities. Since its publication, the standard has undergone six changes, four of which were specific changes and two were comprehensive revisions. The first revision of NR-20 was approved at the 67th Regular Meeting of the Permanent Tripartite Committee (CTPP)*, held on November 28 and 29, 2011, and published by Ordinance SIT No. 308 of February 29, 2012. This Ordinance reworded NR-20 and also created the National Tripartite Thematic Committee (CNTT) of NR-20, with the aim of encouraging studies and debates with a view to improving the legislation.