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bSEO - Think like a PM and optimise beyond the SEO bubble

bSEO - Think like a PM and optimise beyond the SEO bubble

Gus Pelogia

September 14, 2023

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  1. Think like a PM and optimise beyond the SEO bubble

    Gus Pelogia Indeed speakerdeck.com/pelogia @pelogia
  2. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Place screenshot here Know before

    you apply Save time, increase chance of vacancy filled Hybrid vs Remote Partial flexibility Create alerts See only opportunities that matter Filter Jobs by “Remote”
  3. SEO Product Manager Discovers, builds and iterates product features that

    support your audience, humans and bots, to achieve a goal
  4. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo A PRD is your pitch

    to gain buy-in and resources from those who are not sold on the idea yet
  5. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo … but also allows you

    to consolidate exactly what and why you’re doing something
  6. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Product Requirements Document Opportunity Business

    opportunity Background Set the scene MVP How the feature looks like
  7. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Product Requirements Document Open Questions

    To discuss with stakeholders Technical Debt Baseline for requires tasks Rollout & Measurement Dates and goals
  8. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Internal links are an important

    ranking factor. The anchor text is considered by Google to understand what your page should rank for. Background
  9. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo We have [1000+] [page type]

    on our website and making these changes manually is a daunting activity Background
  10. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo An automatic solution would save

    us time and allow us to adapt the strategy and boost a new page instantly. Background
  11. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo An automatic solution would save

    as time and allow us to adapt the strategy. We could “boost” a new page instantly. The MVP will cover [50] product pages with a minimum traffic potential of [20000] searches and conversion potential of [200] leads Opportunity
  12. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo An automatic solution would save

    as time and allow us to adapt the strategy. We could “boost” a new page instantly. After [three months], we expect an increase of [5%] in traffic and conversions Opportunity
  13. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo An automatic solution would save

    as time and allow us to adapt the strategy. We could “boost” a new page instantly. After the MVP, this can be expanded to our Top [5] target countries in a fraction of the time Opportunity
  14. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo An automatic solution would save

    as time and allow us to adapt the strategy. We could “boost” a new page instantly. Minimum Viable Product A basic but functional version of your initiative that allows to prove impact
  15. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo MVP Format 50 Highest [potential]

    pages will receive links Max one link to the same destination per page
  16. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo MVP Format 50 Highest [potential]

    pages 100 Minimum extra internal links Max one link to the same destination per article Links will include parameter trackers
  17. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo MVP Format 50 Highest [potential]

    pages 100 Minimum extra internal links Max one link to the same destination per article Links will include parameter trackers Service will update published and new articles 5 Max automated links per page, max one per paragraph
  18. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo UI for editors to make

    changes 01 Multiple anchor text to same destination URL 02 Links to other products or domains 03 Does not include
  19. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Phase 1: Validation Technical Debt

    Map high- converting pages and desired anchor text Audit internal linking
  20. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Phase 2: Pre-flight work Technical

    Debt Design how links will appear Research how other teams/products may use this feature
  21. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Phase 3: Eng build Technical

    Debt Verify if platform improvements are a blocker Technical stuff - APIs, cronjobs, S3 buckets, etc
  22. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Phase 4: Rollout Technical Debt

    Measure conversion impact (short and long- term) Run A/B test for [2] weeks before releasing to all users
  23. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo How can we ensure an

    anchor text is present in at least 50 articles? Can we exclude specific articles to display these links? How easy is it to update and expand the anchor text list?
  24. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Automated Internal Linking 14 Sep

    MVP release 14 Dec MVP Results 28 Oct Initial Impact Analysis Rollout & Measurement
  25. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Automatic Internal Linking 14 Sep

    MVP release Feature is live in en-US 14 Dec MVP Results Expect [10%] incremental increase by causal analysis 28 Oct Initial Impact Analysis Found a [2%] incremental traffic increase Rollout & Measurement
  26. Programmatic Internal Linking Both groups historically perform the same way

    (similar traffic) Control Group (No Change) Test Group (Links Added) Causal Impact Analysis
  27. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Not an endorsement, but worth

    checking SEO A/B Test Page Splitter (Free) An OrangeValley tool made by Koen Leemans
  28. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Programmatic Internal Link Related Articles

    Fact Checked Articles Author Pages Detailed Structured Data AI Content Add Month/Year on Page Titles Adding Hreflang Updated Meta Description Dynamic Price on Title Tags FAQ Structured Data with Links Add Publish Date (SERPs)
  29. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo Test small, increase gradually. That’s

    your MVP! 01 Plan to revert changes 02 Document your progress (e.g. Wiki, PRDs) 03 Product & SEO <3
  30. @pelogia | guspelogia.com | #brightonseo A PRD is your pitch

    to gain buy-in and resources from those who are not sold on the idea yet