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A Ripper based syntax highlighter

March 10, 2018

A Ripper based syntax highlighter

Regional RubyKaigi in Okinawa 2


March 10, 2018

More Decks by pocke

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  1. self.inspect • Masataka Pocke Kuwabara • SideCI, Inc. • ”Rubyドキドキ調査隊”

    is serialized in WEB+DB PRESS (vol. 102~) • RuboCop’s core developer • Vimmer
  2. I love... • Complex Ruby code (NOT FOR PRODUCTION!) ◦

    Complex Ruby code can break RuboCop or Parser, it’s fun ◦ e.g. def __END__() end will break Parser. ▪ This bug has been fixed. • Vim. ◦ Vim is a powerful, useful and pluggable editor.
  3. In the VimConf • I told about “Iro.vim”. • It

    is a Vim plugin. • https://github.com/pocke/iro.vim • This is a next generation Syntax Highlighter for Vim. • It is written in Ruby mainly.
  4. In the VimConf • I told about “Iro.vim”. • It

    is a Vim plugin. • https://github.com/pocke/iro.vim • This is a next generation Syntax Highlighter for Vim. • It is written in Ruby mainly.
  5. Agenda • Problems of Current syntax highlighter. • How does

    Iro solve the problems. • The feature of Iro.
  6. Question • Do you know AST? ◦ Abstract Syntax Tree

    • Do you know Ripper? ◦ Parser for Ruby.
  7. Syntax highlighters have two problems • Hard to read code

    of highlighters. • They does not highlight correctly.
  8. Highlighters are written in Regexp • Regular Expression is difficult.

    ◦ Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. Jamie Zawinski http://regex.info/blog/2006-09-15/247
  9. Problem: not correct • Some highlighters cannot highlight the following

    code correctly. ◦ ?????:?: ◦ % %s%% %%%% ◦ def def(def:def def;end)end
  10. What’s Iro? • A library for Ripper based syntax highlighter.

    • https://github.com/pocke/iro • It solves the problems. • Live demo: https://ruby-highlight.herokuapp.com/
  11. Iro is written in Ruby • If you can read

    Ruby, you can read Iro. • It uses Ripper as a tokenizser and parser. Let’s read Iro code and understand how Iro work.
  12. Tokenize code with Ripper.lex() [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def"], [[1, 4],

    :on_ident, "hello"], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts"], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\""], [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "Hello"], [[2, 21], :on_tstring_end, "\""], [[3, 0], :on_kw, "end"]]
  13. Tokenize code with Ripper.lex() [[[1, 0], :on_kw, "def"], # Define

    [[1, 4], :on_ident, "hello"], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts"], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\""], # Delimiter [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "Hello"], # String [[2, 21], :on_tstring_end, "\""], # Delimiter [[3, 0], :on_kw, "end"]] # Keyword
  14. Parse code with Ripper.sexp() • Tokenizing is good, but we

    need parsing to get more information. ◦ e.g. local variable, `def def() end`, symbol literal and so on.
  15. Example: highlight :foo • Tokenize is not enough. It is

    just an ident. ◦ [[[1, 0], :on_symbeg, ":", EXPR_FNAME], [[1, 1], :on_ident, "foo", EXPR_ENDFN]] • Parsing is enough. It is a symbol. ◦ [:program, [[:symbol_literal, [:symbol, [:@ident, "foo", [1, 1]]]]]]
  16. Iro can highlight correctly. • Iro uses Ripper to tokenize

    and parse code. • Ripper is the MRI parser. • So Iro can highlight code same as MRI.
  17. Inline highlighting • Highlight code in code ◦ For example:

    # Here is Ruby code <<~SQL # Here is SQL SELECT * FROM users; SQL
  18. More languages support • Currently Iro.vim supports Ruby, YAML and

    Python. • I would like to add support Slim, Markdown.
  19. More editors support • Currently Iro supports Vim and HTML

    only. • I believe we can use Iro in other editors. ◦ e.g. Emacs, Atom or something.
  20. More token support • Currently Iro does not highlight symbol

    literals, instance variables, class variables and so on.
  21. Conclusion • Iro is a Ripper based syntax highlighter. ◦

    It can highlight correctly. • You can try using Iro now! ◦ For Vimmer: https://github.com/pocke/iro.vim ◦ Web demo: https://ruby-highlight.herokuapp.com Thank you for listening!