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How QCLean Works: Introduction to Browser Exten...

How QCLean Works: Introduction to Browser Extensions

* Introduction to QCLean and browser extensions.
* How to write a simple chrome extension and how QCLean removes suggested pages and posts on Facebook newsfeed.
* How to inject code and override DOM prototype on webpages.

Qing-Cheng Li

March 06, 2015

More Decks by Qing-Cheng Li

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  1. What is QCLean? • A browser extension/add-on that removing ads,

    suggested pages and posts on Facebook news feed for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE users. • http://qcl.github.io/QCLean/
  2. History • Since 2013.02.28 (2 years old!) • Popular add-on

    (Firefox) 2013.04.06 • Popular extension (Chrome) 2013.08.21
  3. Overview • Support 5 browsers ◦ Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Safari, Opera,

    IE • More than 30,000 users over the world. ◦ GC ~30,000 ◦ FF ~8,500 • Donated mainly by Firefox user! ◦ Receive about $24 ◦ Donate NOW!
  4. Overview • Rating ◦ ★★★★★ 4.5/5.0 Chrome ◦ ★★★★ 4.0/5.0

    Firefox ◦ ★★★★ 4.0/5.0 Opera • Operating System ◦ 93% Windows • Languages ◦ Chrome 74% zh-tw ◦ Firefox 53% en-us
  5. Extension/Add-on v.s. Plugin • Extension/Add-on ◦ Extensions are small software

    programs that can modify and enhance the functionality of the browser. You write them using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. (Chrome) • Plugin ◦ Plugins are shared libraries that users can install to display content that the application itself can't display natively. (MDN)
  6. Plugins • Written by C/C++, depend on platform ◦ NPAPI,

    NaCl (Chrome) • chrome://plugins • about://plugins
  7. Extension developing 101 • Firefox ◦ http://blog.qcl.tw/2013/08/sdkfirefox-add-on.html • Chrome ◦

    Create a file named manifest.json ◦ Open your Chrome, go to chrome://extensions ◦ Click Developer Mode ◦ Then import the folder which contains manifest.json
  8. manifest.json { “manifest_version” : 2, “name” : “extension_name”, “version” :

    “version_string” , “description” : “extension_description” ... } • https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifest
  9. Background background: { “script”:[“background.js”] } • It exists for the

    lifetime of your extension. • Only ONE instance of it at a time. • It can be used to manage some task or state.
  10. Content Scripts “content_scripts” : [ { “matches”: [match patterns], “css”:

    [“kerker.css”], “js”: [“haha.js”], “run_at”: “document_start” } ] • https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts
  11. Content Scripts • Content scripts are JS that run in

    the content of web page • Can not use chrome.* API of extension, i18n, runtime, storage • Can not use functions defined by extension page • Can not use functions defined by web page or other content script • Match Pattern ◦ https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/match_patterns
  12. Content Script • run_at ◦ doucment_start ▪ Before any other

    DOM is constructed or any other script is run ◦ doucment_end ▪ After DOM is complete, but before subresources like images and frames have loaded ◦ doucment_idle (defualt) ▪ After window.onload
  13. Remove Suggested Pages&Posts • What will happen when all posts

    on your newsfeed use the same class name? ◦ All the posts will be removed :p • Or the class name used by other elements on the page ◦ Those elements will be removed, too :p • Or you can not get Ad elements directly • Select elements that you can identify then try to do something.
  14. Remove Suggested Pages&Posts • Select some special elements, try to

    find the Ad block, then remove it. • If Facebook changes the structure of page, this method will GG • It will run once when page did load. (run_at)
  15. Facebook infinite scrolling • When to run the script? ◦

    document_start? document_end? document_idle? ◦ setInterval? • When you scrolls down the page, it will load more and more post (and Ads) • Need to find a trigger point to remove Ads!
  16. Override the prototype of DOM • Check Ads when appending

    new elements into the page. • Override the prototype of some DOM ◦ HTMLDivElement.prototype.appendChild ◦ HTMLUlElement.prototype.appendChild
  17. Content Scripts • Can not override the prototype of HTML

    DOM in web page (directly) • But we can add new element into web page.
  18. ClassName changed frequently • Static classnames list is not enough

    • I want to build a API for user, it can update classnames list.
  19. Some QCLean API • Story API ◦ http://qcl.github.io/QCLean/api/story.js • Line

    Tagging API ◦ http://qcl.github.io/QCLean/api/lineTagging.js • XHR Cross-origin request issue • Content security policy issue
  20. Content Security Policy “content_security_policy” : “policy” • It can not

    be show on permission warning • CSP works as a black/whitelisting mechanism for resources loaded or executed by your extension. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSecurityPolicy http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/security/content-security-policy/
  21. Distribute Extensions Cost Review Publish Chrome $5 no directly publish

    Firefox free optional directly publish Opera free required after review Safari free required unknow*
  22. Extension source • Web Store / Addon Center ◦ You

    don’t need to mantain a update server • Mantain your own update server
  23. Update URL update_url : “http://qcl.github.io/QCLean/chrome_update.xml” • Packaging your extension (with

    key) ◦ extension.crx • Write update XML ◦ https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/autoupdate
  24. How others write extensions? • Install the extension • Get

    the extension’s ID (chrome://extensions) • Go to ◦ ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions (mac)