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多言語 Emberjs i18n

多言語 Emberjs i18n

大江戸Ruby会議03のスライド http://regional.rubykaigi.org/oedo03 #odrk03

More Decks by Randy Morgan (@morgan_randy)

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Rails Challenges? OSS with multiple, possibly non technical translators? Feeding

    localization data to the Ember front end? Monday, March 18, 13
  2. Rails Challenges? OSS with multiple, possibly non technical translators? Missing

    handlebars translation keys? Feeding localization data to the Ember front end? Monday, March 18, 13
  3. It’s a static Application? Importing from localapp & Reporting Missing

    translations? Asset compilation for i18n-js? Switching locales in a static app? Monday, March 18, 13
  4. require 'rake-pipeline-i18n-filters' output 'assets/scripts/config' input 'locales' do match '**/*.yml' do

    i18n_js { 'locales.js' } end end rake-pipeline-i18n-filters Monday, March 18, 13