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The Amazing ES6

The Amazing ES6

The next-generation of javascript also known as ECMAScript 6 (also called ES6 or Harmony), is bringing us lots of amazing features that you probably will need to know. This talks shows how apply this features in your daily basis.

Slides strongly based in this talk: https://speakerdeck.com/pazguille/es6-in-production

Raphael Amorim

July 25, 2015

More Decks by Raphael Amorim

Other Decks in Programming


  1. AMD define(‘Slideout’, // Deps [‘inherit’,’Emitter’], // Slideout function (inherit, Emitter)

 function Slideout (options) {…} // Export return Slideout;
  2. CommonJS // Deps var inherit = require(‘inherit’); var Emitter =

    require(‘emitter’); // Slideout
 function Slideout (options) {…} // Export module.exports = Slideout;
  3. ES6 // Deps import inherit from ‘inherit’; import Emitter from

    ‘emitter’; // Slideout
 function Slideout (options) {…} // Export export default Slideout;
  4. ES5 // Slideout
 function Slideout (options) {…} // Inherit from

    Emitter inherit(Slideout, Emitter); // Extend prototype Slideout.prototype.open = function() { … };