do some work? ➡ We need to talk to the actor system from the “outside” ➡ We need a “receptionist” to take our calls “Just use a socket!” Akka IO supports TCP, UDP, and HTTP We will use Spray, a.k.a. akka-http
stub/mock ➡ This is OK for simple children because Akka TestKit is awesome ➡ But for more complex child hierarchies, it would be nice if we could stub/mock child actors
and reminder emails ➡ Coordinator subscribes to Registration Events ➡ ActivationEmailSender schedules mails ➡ Emailer sends mail using SMTP “How do I test this stuff?”
in a single-use actor ➡ We do need to make sure it gets killed after it is done ➡ We also need to take care of timeouts ourselves “Worth the complexity?”