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DRUUMM Webinar: Join Steering Committee

April 19, 2018

DRUUMM Webinar: Join Steering Committee

Webinar Series 2018


April 19, 2018

More Decks by Ronnie

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  1. Agenda 1. Welcoming, Reading, Chalice Lighting 2. Introductions 3. Brief

    Overview of DRUUMM & Its Structure 4. Explanation of DRUUMM SC & Current Officers 5. Election Process & Nominations Committee 6. Onboarding Process 7. Q & A 8. Closing
  2. Who is DRUUMM? DRUUMM is a people of color ministry

    within the Unitarian Universalist faith. We are a membership- based organization with an all volunteer-led steering committee.
  3. Our Structure Steering Committee Members DRUUMM is a member-based organization

    meaning members drive our programming. The Steering Committee guides the organization in the desired direction as dictated by our members, bylaws, and values. We are not accountable to the UUA.
  4. DRUUMM Steering Committee Roles and Current Officers President Role: ➔

    Convenes meetings of the Steering Committee and of the general membership at General Assembly ➔ Represents DRUUMM at public functions as needed ➔ Interfaces with UU organizations and groups for possible strategic partnerships ➔ Coordinates the activities and responsibilities of the Steering Committee CURRENT: Rev. Ranwa Hammamy Current Steering Committee is comprised of religious professionals, layleaders, and ministers working collectively in their respective roles. The DRUUMM SC uses a consensus-based decision making process. All officers have voting power. SC must be DRUUMM members.
  5. DRUUMM Steering Committee Roles and Current Officers Second Vice President

    Role: ➔ Manages and coordinates DRUUMM operations pertaining to new projects ➔ Managing fundraising and outreach efforts ➔ Assists First Vice President and President in their duties CURRENT: Rev. Theresa Soto First Vice President Role: ➔ Assisting President in their duties. ➔ Monitors issues pertaining to religious professionals ➔ Networking with potential strategic partners within UU community. CURRENT: Sana Saeed
  6. DRUUMM Steering Committee Roles and Current Officers Secretary Role: ➔

    Maintains the written records of the organization ➔ Creates agenda, takes meeting notes, and distributes minutes of Steering Committee Meetings (including phone conference calls) and General Membership Business Meetings ➔ Forms and oversees the Nominations Committee CURRENT: Janell Hill Treasurer Role: ➔ Monitors the financial health of the organization ➔ Develops and maintains the financial records of the organization (including budgets and financial reports) ➔ Processes income and expense requests ➔ Supervises grant income, distribution and reporting to granting agencies CURRENT: Rev. Darrick Jackson
  7. DRUUMM Steering Committee Roles and Current Officers Communications Coordinators (2

    positions) Role: ➔ Disseminates information and news about the organization, including publicity for upcoming events and information of interest to the larger membership ➔ Creates the organization newsletter ➔ Manages Mailchimp listserve to communicate with membership ➔ Manages social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter) and online groups CURRENT: Rhiannon Smith & B Tyler Coles Outreach Coordinator Role: ➔ Develops and maintains relationships with UUA regional staff, UU institutions, and congregations to recruit people of color to the organization ➔ Leads committee of DRUUMM members to coordinate yearly DRUUMM Gathering ➔ Collaborates with Executive Leadership on strategic recruitment efforts at General Assembly ➔ Works with Communications Coordinators on program and event marketing materials and web content. CURRENT: Ronnie Boyd
  8. DRUUMM Steering Committee Roles and Current Officers GMC Liaison Role:

    ➔ Global Majorities Collective member serves on the SC to keep abreast of DRUUMM projects and find areas of collaboration. CURRENT: Rev. Marisol Caballero GA Coordinators (2 positions) Role: ➔ Coordinates DRUUMM General Assembly and related events ➔ Recruits workshop presenters ➔ Supervises submission of workshop applications and related paperwork ➔ Coordinates Annual Post GA event CURRENT: Ben Gabel
  9. Election Process & Nominations Committee SC members are elected to

    their positions and are voted on through a democratic process Nominations Committee: a group of DRUUMM members recruited by the Secretary and larger SC to identify potential nominees 1 Spring Nomination committee formed Spring Committee solicits nominees 2 Spring Secretary collects data 3 Late Spring Interviews conducted 4 Early Summer Slate is announced 5 June Vote at GA Business Meeting 6
  10. Onboarding Process Each role has its own onboarding process SC

    member will set up a meeting to further discuss responsibilities, internal organization operations, and meeting dates and times. SC takes a break over summer*
  11. Q&A

  12. Nothing happens in isolation. There is always a squad, collaborators,

    a body that supports change occurring -Sage Crump