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To Infinity ... and Beyond!

To Infinity ... and Beyond!

This talk was presented at the Austin Cloud Users meetup group, and discusses what Service Oriented Architecture is, and how you can use it to build a scalable web application.

Randall Degges

March 06, 2014

More Decks by Randall Degges

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What You’ll Learn • Why scaling is hard. • What

    SOA is. • How SOA can help you. • How to implement SOA. • When not to use SOA.
  2. Yo, I’m Randall • Developer Evangelist @ Stormpath • I

    blog: http://www.rdegges.com • I code: https://github.com/rdegges • I tweet: @rdegges • Email me: randall@stormpath.com
  3. The UNIX Way Write programs that do one thing and

    do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs that speak HTTP, because that is a universal interface.
  4. $ find /path/to/search/ \ -type f -iname "*.mp4" \ -printf

    '%s %p\n'| \ sort -nr | head -10 The UNIX Way
  5. Define API Specs • GET /v1/phones • GET /v1/phones/+18182179229 •

    POST /v1/phones • PUT /v1/phones • PATCH /v1/phones • DELETE /v1/phones
  6. Don’t Forget! • Play to your strengths. • Don’t worry

    about tools and languages. • Give your team freedom! • Services should be small enough to build in a few days.
  7. Recap • Monolithic apps are hard to maintain and scale

    • SOA apps require upfront work, but scale easily • SOA apps are easier to maintain • SOA apps can save you money