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Scaling Data at Slack: A Series of Unfortunate ...

Ronnie Chen
September 17, 2016

Scaling Data at Slack: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Ronnie Chen

September 17, 2016

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  1. Scaling Data at Slack A Series of Unfortunate Events Ronnie

    Chen & Diana Pojar 1 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  2. Ronnie & Diana Data Engineers @ Slack 2 — Kaizen

    2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  3. What you think you do 3 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling

    Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  4. What other people think you do 4 — Kaizen 2016

    Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  5. Why are we giving this talk? 6 — Kaizen 2016

    Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  6. Presto → distributed SQL query engine optimized for interactive queries

    → fast/adhoc queries to explore data and get fast answers for a short time range → majority of use is via UI interface vs command line → visualization tools via Mode for making charts and dashboards 8 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  7. Hive → SQL-like queries that are implicitly converted into MapReduce

    jobs → suited for ETL pipeline as it can handle larger joins → queries for longer time ranges or bigger datasets because there are no memory constraints → fault-tolerance to stage failures 9 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  8. Spark → used mostly for cleaning up and creating the

    different Hive tables for analysts → easier to express some logic in code (! Scala!) and use libraries instead of SQL-like language → multiple knobs to turn to make the jobs more efficient and faster than Hive queries → testable 10 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  9. AWS EMR → easy to launch cluster that comes already

    set up with Presto/Hive/Spark → clusters are ephemeral, we only use it for computation and run our jobs there 11 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  10. S3 & Hive metastore → everything is stored in a

    single place and is accessible by all our dev/prod clusters 12 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  11. ! Thrift ! Parquet → columnar format → query efficiency

    → space efficiency 13 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  12. ✨The Dream ✨ → Everything can talk to anything else

    → Data is structured and typed → Easy to test and launch in production when ready → Flexibility to choose best processing engine for the job 15 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  13. ! Reality ! → You can write data you can't

    read back → You can write data another tool can't read → You can write data that is read the wrong way ! → Have to flatten structured data to keep evolving it → Need to maintain and support interop of all engines 16 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  14. What it really looks like 18 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling

    Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  15. EMR peculiarities → Hive is forked from official version (0.13)

    → Presto/Spark/Hive versions use conflicting dependencies (parquet) → You're stuck with those versions (no latest features, bug fixes) ! → Missing many useful UDFs from newer versions → Upgrading is not as easy as it seems 19 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  16. struct Slog { 1: i64 microtime_start 2: Http http 3:

    User user } struct Http { 1: string method 2: string uri } struct User { 1: i64 id } 21 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  17. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE prod.slog ( microtime_start bigint, http struct<method: string,

    uri: string>, user struct<id: bigint>) PARTITIONED BY ( date string ) LOCATION 's3://datawarehouse/prod/slog' 22 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  18. Let's log some more struct Slog { 1: i64 microtime_start

    2: Http http 3: User user } struct Http { 1: string method 2: string uri 3: string user_agent <--- } struct User { 1: i64 id } 24 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  19. Evolve the HIVE schema ALTER TABLE prod.slog CHANGE COLUMN http

    http struct<method: string, uri: string, user_agent: string> 25 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  20. ! HIVE ! ! we could not read previous written

    data ! Altering the table just updates Hive's metadata without updating parquet's schema and the already written partitions metadata. ! We used the lastest HiveParquetSerDe 26 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  21. ! PRESTO ! ! could not pick up the custom

    HiveParquetSerDe ! ERROR: There is a mismatch between the table and partition schemas. The column 'http' in table 'prod.slog' is declared as type 'struct<method:string,uri:string,user_agent:string>', but partition declared column 'http' as type 'struct<method:string,uri:string>'. ! We created a flattened version of our logs 27 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  22. slog.thrift struct Slog { 1: i64 microtime_start 2: Http http

    3: User user } struct Http { 1: string method 2: string uri 3: string user_agent } struct User { 1: i64 id } 28 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  23. !flog.thrift! struct Flog { 1: i64 microtime_start 2: string http_method

    3: string http_uri 4: i64 user_id 5: string http_user_agent } 29 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  24. Spark and Hive → EMR Hive metastore version is 0.13.1

    → Spark 1.5 and later ships with a default metastore version of Hive 1.2 ! 32 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  25. Possible solutions --conf spark.sql.hive.metastore.version=0.13.1 -—conf spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars=<really long jar path> or

    def getHiveColumns(db: String, tableName: String): List[FieldSchema] = { val hiveMetaStore = new HiveMetastoreClientFactoryImpl().getHiveMetastoreClient val hiveTableDef = hiveMetaStore.getTable(db, tableName) val tableColumns = hiveTableDef.getSd.getCols.asScala } def addColumnsToHive(db: String, tableName: String, diff: Seq[StructField]): Unit = { val hiveMetaStore = new HiveMetastoreClientFactoryImpl().getHiveMetastoreClient val hiveTableDef = hiveMetaStore.getTable(db, tableName) diff.foreach(f => hiveTableDef.getSd.addToCols(new FieldSchema(f.name, f.dataType.simpleString, null))) hiveMetaStore.alter_table(db, tableName, hiveTableDef) } 33 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  26. Parquet backwards compatibility Spark-Parquet vs Hive-Parquet ! Null columns in

    Hive ! java.io.IOException: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FetchOperator.getNextRow(FetchOperator.java:663) ... Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.fromParquetStatistics(ParquetMetadataConverter.java:247) at parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.fromParquetMetadata(ParquetMetadataConverter.java:368) at parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.readParquetMetadata(ParquetMetadataConverter.java:346) at parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader.readFooter(ParquetFileReader.java:296) at parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader.readFooter(ParquetFileReader.java:254) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.read.ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.getSplit(ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.java:200) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.read.ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.<init>(ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.java:79) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.read.ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.<init>(ParquetRecordReaderWrapper.java:66) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat.getRecordReader(MapredParquetInputFormat.java:72) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FetchOperator.getRecordReader(FetchOperator.java:498) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FetchOperator.getNextRow(FetchOperator.java:588) ... 15 more 34 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  27. Set defaults def getDefaultValue(dataType: DataType): Any = dataType match {

    case DoubleType => 0.asInstanceOf[Double] case IntegerType => 0 case LongType => 0L case StringType => "" case ArrayType(_, _) => List.empty case MapType(_, _) => Map.empty case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown type to get default value: $t") } 35 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  28. What about booleans? def getDefaultValue(dataType: DataType): Any = dataType match

    { --> case BooleanType => null case DoubleType => 0.asInstanceOf[Double] case IntegerType => 0 case LongType => 0L case StringType => "" case ArrayType(_, _) => List.empty case MapType(_, _) => Map.empty case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown type to get default value: $t") } 36 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  29. Create a custom Hive Input Format public class SlackParquetInputFormat extends

    FileInputFormat<Void, ArrayWritable> { ... } public class SlackParquetRecordReaderWrapper implements RecordReader<Void, ArrayWritable> { ... } public class SlackDataWritableReadSupport extends ReadSupport<ArrayWritable> { ... } 37 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  30. Presto & Parquet ! Parquet record is malformed: empty fields

    are illegal, the field should be ommited completely instead java.lang.RuntimeException: Parquet record is malformed: empty fields are illegal, the field should be ommited completely instead at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriter.write(DataWritableWriter.java:64) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriteSupport.write(DataWritableWriteSupport.java:59) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriteSupport.write(DataWritableWriteSupport.java:31) at parquet.hadoop.InternalParquetRecordWriter.write(InternalParquetRecordWriter.java:121) at parquet.hadoop.ParquetRecordWriter.write(ParquetRecordWriter.java:123) ... at com.facebook.presto.execution.SqlTaskExecution$DriverSplitRunner.processFor(SqlTaskExecution.java:622) at com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskExecutor$PrioritizedSplitRunner.process(TaskExecutor.java:529) at com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskExecutor$Runner.run(TaskExecutor.java:665) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) Caused by: parquet.io.ParquetEncodingException: empty fields are illegal, the field should be ommited completely instead at parquet.io.MessageColumnIO$MessageColumnIORecordConsumer.endField(MessageColumnIO.java:244) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriter.writeMap(DataWritableWriter.java:241) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriter.writeValue(DataWritableWriter.java:116) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriter.writeGroupFields(DataWritableWriter.java:89) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.write.DataWritableWriter.write(DataWritableWriter.java:60) ... 23 more 38 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  31. Presto [HIVE-11625] - Map instances with null keys are not

    properly handled for Parquet tables def getDefaultValue(dataType: DataType): Any = dataType match { case BooleanType => null case DoubleType => 0.asInstanceOf[Double] case IntegerType => 0 case LongType => 0L case StringType => "" --> case ArrayType(elemDataType, _) => List(getDefaultValue(elemDataType)) --> case MapType(keyDataType, valueDataType, _) => Map(getDefaultValue(keyDataType) -> getDefaultValue(valueDataType)) case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown type to get default value: $t") } 39 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  32. Hive user_id experiment_name server_name 1 NULL slack-1 2 NULL slack-2

    ! Presto user_id experiment_name server_name 1 slack-1 null 2 slack-2 null 40 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  33. Parquet file with user_id and server_name columns in schema: {"type":"struct",

    "fields":[{"name":"user_id","type":"long","nullable":true,"metadata":{}}, {"name":"server_name","type":"string","nullable":true,"metadata":{}}] } CREATE TABLE demo (user_id bigint, experiment_name string, server_name string) STORED AS parquet LOCATION 's3://datawarehouse/dev/demo'; 41 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  34. Presto & column names By default, columns in Parquet files

    are accessed by their ordinal position in the Hive table definition. → hive.parquet.use-column-names=true → explicitly write column values so that column shift cannot happen 42 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  35. Leveraging Scala: Option[T] > null Writing custom rich classes to

    avoid NPEs implicit class RichRow(val row: Row) { def getOpt[T](fieldName: String): Option[T] = { isNullAt(fieldName) match { case false => Some(row.getAs[T](fieldName)) case true => None } } def getRowOpt(fieldName: String): Option[Row] = getOpt[Row](fieldName) def getStringOpt(fieldName: String): Option[String] = getOpt[String](fieldName) def isNullAt(fieldName: String): Boolean = ! row.schema.schemaContains(fieldName) || row.isNullAt(row.fieldIndex(fieldName)) } 43 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  36. ! java.io.IOException: File already exists... [SPARK-11328] - Provide more informative

    error message when direct parquet output committer is used and there is a file already exists error. 45 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  37. ♻ The Spark job dev cycle → OOM message →

    Google/JIRA lookup → update Spark configs def getBaseSparkContext(sparkConf: SparkConf): SparkContext = { sparkConf.set("spark.speculation", "false") sparkConf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") sparkConf.set("spark.storage.memoryFraction", "0.3") val sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf) sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("parquet.enable.summary-metadata", "false") sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration.set("mapred.output.committer.class", "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.DirectFileOutputCommitter") sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration .set("mapreduce.use.directfileoutputcommitter", "true") sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration .set("spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class", "org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DirectParquetOutputCommitter") val sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf) sparkContext } 46 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  38. Beware the brute force method ! --driver-memory ☹ --num-executors "

    --executor-memory # --partitions $ 47 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  39. Dynamic partitions ! dataframe.write.partitionBy(partitionColumns: _*).parquet(path) ! dataFrame.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER) partitionValues.foreach { value

    => val part = dataframe.filter(dataframe(partitionColumn) === value).drop(partitionColumn) part.write.parquet(path + s"/$partitionColumn=$value/") } dataframe.unpersist() 48 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  40. Sunshine and roses in data land 49 — Kaizen 2016

    Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  41. Let's upgrade EMR 4.1 to 4.7... 50 — Kaizen 2016

    Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  42. Spark-Parquet vs Presto-Parquet EXTERNAL - HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split

    s3://datawarehouse/prod/slog/part-r-00001.gz.parquet (offset=0, length=3267271): Column config_settings type MAP not supported EXTERNAL - HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split s3://datawarehouse/prod/slog/part-r-00002.gz.parquet (offset=0, length=25025): Column emails type LIST not supported 51 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  43. We just want to read back the data we wrote.

    All of it. 52 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  44. ! Our own custom ParquetOutputFormat Pin a Parquet version and

    never worry about it again public class SlackSparkParquetOutputFormat(val path: String) extends ParquetOutputFormat[Row] { ... } 53 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  45. Upgrades = Opportunity to remove some hacks ! No more

    getDefaultValue, ("" -> "") But remove carefully... user_id user_settings | user_id user_settings | 0 ("" -> "") | null null 54 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  46. Watch out for unexpected events → Interactions between your tools

    are more complicated than they appear → Backwards compatibility isn't always → Consequences from your previous decisions combine in strange ways 55 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  47. Lessons learned ! Structed data & columnar format ! SQL

    query engines ! Failing fast ! Never assume backwards compatibility when changing versions 56 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana
  48. Lessons learned ! Investigation and job tweaking take more time

    than writing the code ! If you're not running on premise, look into constraints and interop first ☔ Build for the greatest common factor of features or risk surprises 57 — Kaizen 2016 Scaling Data at Slack | @rondoftw @podiana