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Coding Practices - EP1SE1 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Coding Practices - EP1SE1 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Discussing coding best practices and what we need to be aware of to make things easier and be kinder to our code base's future developer. We'll chat about comments, variable names, refactoring, planning, building and more.

Josh Biddick

November 13, 2018

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  2. CODING PRACTICES SOFTWARE CRAFTMANSHIP Remember what our grandparents told us:

    ▸ Anything worth doing is worth doing well. ▸ Slow and steady wins the race. ▸ Measure twice cut once. ▸ Practice, Practice, Practice.
  3. TEXT TECHNIQUES FOR SELF-DOCUMENTING CODE We can split the techniques

    for self-documenting code into three broad categories: structural - where the structure of code or directories is used to clarify the purpose naming related - such as function or variable syntax related - where we make use of (or avoid using) features of the language to clarify code.
  4. // square root of n with Newton-Raphson approximation r =

    n / 2; while (Math.abs(r - (n / r)) > t) { r = 0.5 * (r + (n / r)); } console.log("r = " + r); MOVE CODE INTO A FUNCTION
  5. // Improved function SquareRootApproximation(num) { const root = num /

    2; while (Math.abs(root - (num / root)) > t) { root = 0.5 * (root + (num / root)); } return root; } console.log("root = " + SquareRootApproximation(144)); MOVE CODE INTO A FUNCTION
  6. // from if (!el.offsetWidth || !el.offsetHeight) { } // to

    function isVisible(el) { return el.offsetWidth && el.offsetHeight; } if (!isVisible(el)) { } REPLACE CONDITIONS WITH FUNCTION
  7. // from if (!el.offsetWidth || !el.offsetHeight) { } // to

    var isVisible = el.offsetWidth && el.offsetHeight; if (!isVisible) { } REPLACE CONDITIONS WITH VARIABLE
  8. TEXT RENAMING FUNCTIONS There’s some simple rules that you can

    follow: ‣ Avoid using vague words like “handle” or “manage” - handleLinks(), manageObjects() ‣ Use active verbs - cutGrass(), sendFile() — functions that actively perform something. ‣ Indicate return value - getMagicBullet(), readFile(). where it makes sense. ‣ Languages with strong typing can use type signatures to help indicate return values as well.
  9. // BAD! var btn = { clckEvnt: () => {}

    }; var ctrl_pnl = new CtrlPnl(btn); // GOOD :) var button = { clickEvent: () => {} }; var controlPanel = new ControlPanel(button); VARIABLE NAMING
  10. // Merges data with original set, // if boolean ===

    true myThing.setData({ x: 1 }, true); // Much cleaner myThing.mergeData({ x: 1 }); AVOID BOOLEAN FLAGS
  11. // A good example of this in JavaScript are the

    array iteration methods: var ids = []; for(var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) { ids.push(things[i].id); } USING LANGUAGE FEATURES
  12. // Compare it with using map(): var ids = things.map(function(thing)

    { return thing.id; }); USING LANGUAGE FEATURES
  13. /* set the value of the age integer to 32

    */ var age = 32; USELESS COMMENTING
  14. /* set the value of the age integer to 32

    */ var age = 32; USELESS COMMENTING
  15. /* * Replaces with spaces * the braces in cases

    * where braces in places * cause stasis. **/ $str = str_replace(array("\{","\}")," ",$str); USELESS COMMENTING
  16. If your feel your code is too complex to understand

    without comments, it’s probably just bad. Rewrite it until it doesn’t need comments any more. If, at the end of that effort, you still feel comments are necessary, then by all means, add comments. Carefully. Jeff Atwood ANOTHER FAMOUS QUOTE BY SOME GUY
  17. // A good example: elemCollection[i].style.color = "red"; elemCollection[i].style.backgroundColor = "blue";

    elemCollection[i].style.border = "2px solid #000"; elemCollection[i].style.paddingLeft = "3px"; elemCollection[i].style.marginTop = "3px"; elemCollection[i].style.fontSize = "1.2em"; elemCollection[i].style.fontStyle = "italic"; DRY - DON’T REPEAT YOURSELF!
  18. // …could be expressed in a much cleaner way: applyCSS(elemCollection[i],

    { color: "red", backgroundColor: "blue", border: "2px solid #000", paddingLeft: "3px", marginTop: "3px", fontSize: "1.2em", fontStyle: "italic" }); DRY - DON’T REPEAT YOURSELF!
  19. // or function applyCSS(el, styles) { for (var prop in

    styles) { if (!styles.hasOwnProperty || styles.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { el.style[prop] = styles[prop]; } } return el; } DRY - DON’T REPEAT YOURSELF!