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Diagrid's Webinar: Spring Boot and Dapr

June 26, 2024

Diagrid's Webinar: Spring Boot and Dapr

For more information visit: https://salaboy.com
And DZone article on the topic:


June 26, 2024

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  1. Mauricio Salatino Diagrid’s Webinar June 25th, 2024 Dapr and Spring

    Boot Solving the Challenges of Distributed Systems @salaboy
  2. diagrid.io • Software Engineer and CNCF Ambassador. • Author of

    “Platform Engineering on Kubernetes” (Manning). • GitHub.com/salaboy/platforms-on-k8s • @DaprDev @KnativeProject @KeptnProject @Crossplane_io Mauricio Salatino salaboy.com @salaboy
  3. Challenges That you will phase Distributed Systems are complex Developer

    Productivity Su ff ers writing YAML Raise teams expertise to a whole new level @salaboy https://www.diagrid.io/blog/dapr-for-spring-boot
  4. How do we do this in Spring? Spring Data ->

    https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue @salaboy
  5. How do we do this in Spring? Spring Data ->

    https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue @salaboy
  6. How do we do this in Spring? Spring Kafka ->

    https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka @salaboy
  7. How do we do this in Spring? Spring Pulsar ->

    https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-pulsar @salaboy
  8. Outbox Pattern https://docs.dapr.io/developing-applications/building-blocks/state-management/howto-outbox/ * Produce an event every time we

    store some data * Do it transactionally * If for some reason storing data fails, 
 the event shouldn’t be produced @salaboy
  9. Durable Exections / Workflows https://docs.dapr.io/developing-applications/building-blocks/work fl ow/ * Sometimes we

    need more than just calling X services in a sequence * We want to make sure that: * If things fail we have a backup plan like: custom retries, circuit breakers and domain-speci fi c logic hooks * Support for long running and stateful interactions, for example waiting for a human input that might be on holidays * That we have compensation logic to undo operations @salaboy
  10. What about Deployments? The platform team takes care of wiring

    up the available infrastructure @salaboy