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Senior - Junior Interaction

Sarthak Jain
September 05, 2020

Senior - Junior Interaction

Sarthak Jain

September 05, 2020

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  1. 1. Joined as an CSE Dept. Student; 2. Studied C++

    before in higher secondary. 3. “CURIOSITY” 4. Always fascinated by Iron Man and Sci Fi movies and TV series #NoobCoder
  2. 1. Discuss How to prepare for Interviews? 2. How I

    am Preparing? Yes I am Still preparing!! 3. Let’s visit the journey step by step
  3. 1. Learned many technical skills exploring more like “a jack

    of all trades" 2. Interned at ShopNani (1st yr) 3. Interned at All India Radio (2nd yr) 4. Intern + FT APM at Coding Blocks (3rd yr) 5. Intern + FT PRoduct Analyst at Unilodgers (late 4th year) 6. Currently BTA at ZS Associates
  4. 1. Cracked 1st Company on campus for 2020 (ZS) 2.

    Got laurels and awards in 3rd year and 4th year across fields 3. Got PPO from Coding Blocks. 4. Pursuing to make a break in field of Product Management 5. Cracked Full time APM offers off campus from College Dunia, IDfy, Astra Securities and other for intern +PPO offers (Lenskart, Unilodgers etc) 6. Still applying, still Interview!!
  5. Prioritising things before applying- • Resume / CV / Cover

    letter • LinkedIn + Instahyre + Angel.co • Position/role/ JD • Referrals • Glassdoor • YouTube + Blogs + GFG • Seniors + Connections + Friends
  6. Prioritising things to choose company to work for- • Growth,

    trajectory and work • Company level, economics, long term impact • Package/salary ( CTC vs In hand) • Product based vs Service based or B2B vs B2C ...etc
  7. Prioritising things to keep in Resume- • Single page •

    Relevant Info to position • Work ex + Projects • Communication details and links • Correct, accurate and to the point info • Grammatical errors and formatting