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Expanding your Customer Experience with easy steps

Expanding your Customer Experience with easy steps

April 11 - Dialogflow Day at Google

Lee Boonstra

April 13, 2018

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  1. 1 Expanding your customer experience in easy steps Lee Boonstra,

    Customer Engineer Google Cloud leeboonstra@google.com
  2. 3 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. Other advantages Container Registry Cloud Functions App Engine Kubernetes Engine Compute Engine BigQuery Cloud Dataflow Cloud Dataproc Cloud Datalab Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Machine Learning
  3. 4 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. • Stay in the cloud. Improve latency & security. Other advantages User types in Web Interface Machine Learning Detection Call to Dialogflow Store in Data Warehouse Webhooks Return to customer vs.
  4. 5 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. • Stay in the cloud. Improve latency & security. • Logging, Tracing, Debugging, Error reporting Other advantages
  5. 6 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. • Stay in the cloud. Improve latency & security. • Logging, Tracing,Debugging, Error reporting • User Roles, Permissions Other advantages
  6. 7 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. • Stay in the cloud. Improve latency & security. • Logging, Tracing,Debugging, Error reporting • User Roles, Permissions • Compliant Other advantages
  7. 8 Part of Google Cloud also means: • Easy integration

    /setup with 60+ products & services. • Stay in the cloud. Improve latency & security. • Logging, Tracing,Debugging, Error reporting • User Roles, Permissions • Compliant • Scalable, No Ops Other advantages
  8. Confidential + Proprietary Human take-over chatflow with sentiment detection Your

    users type into a chat UI which can be integrated in your apps, websites or social media channels. When user ask to talk with a human, the operator can take over from the chatbot. Detect in real-time the users mood, and let the operator take over from the chatbot. This solution uses Kubernetes containers with Socket.io to enable realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. Architecture: Dialogflow with human handoff User types in chat UI Chatbot or User replies Operator Dashboard Kubernetes Engine Container Registry Customer Client Kubernetes Engine Back-end Kubernetes Engine Back-end Kubernetes Engine NLP API ML call for sentiment detection Pass user utterance to chatbot Return text response to user User asks to talk with human Negative sentiment let a human take over the conversation Operator types in chat UI User replies Containers images can be stored in the Container Registry Dialogflow Enterprise
  9. 15 • Custom implementation (Pub/Sub and BigQuery) • Learn which

    questions has been asked the most • Improve your bot over time • Track user experience Chatbot User Analytics
  10. 19 • Data Loss Prevention API • Natural Language API

    • Vision API Machine Learning APIs
  11. 20 • Data Loss Prevention API • Natural Language API

    • Vision API • Speech to Text API Machine Learning APIs
  12. Confidential + Proprietary Advanced Chatflow with machine learning bot analytics

    User types to custom UI or channel Chatbot replies Dialogflow Enterprise Customer Client JS Angular 5 web front-end Kubernetes Engine Chat Server Dialogflow SDK / socket.io Kubernetes Engine Back-end CRM Python / Django Kubernetes Engine Container Registry Containers images can be stored in the Container Registry Messaging Publisher Pub/Sub Webhook Router Cloud Function Webhook Container Builder Building Dev Pipelines
  13. Confidential + Proprietary Advanced Chatflow with machine learning and bot

    analytics User types to custom UI or channel Chatbot replies Dialogflow Enterprise Customer Client JS Angular 5 web front-end Kubernetes Engine Chat Server Dialogflow SDK / socket.io Kubernetes Engine Back-end CRM Python / Django Kubernetes Engine Subscription Cloud Function Sensitivity Filter DLP API Sentiment Detector NLP API Data Warehouse BigQuery Messaging Publisher Pub/Sub Webhook Router Cloud Function Webhook
  14. 24 I’ve built this demo on my own in a

    couple of evenings. Improve your user experience with a little more cloud. • Fast & Easy integration of various cloud products: ◦ Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Builder, Container Registry ◦ Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, BigQuery ◦ DLP API, NLP API • Cloud IAM, Logs, Traces, Debugging, Error reporting out of the box • Scalable & Complaint: Ready to go live. Conclusion