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Sandeep Adwankar: Sencha Power UI : Pivot Grid and App Templates

Sandeep Adwankar: Sencha Power UI : Pivot Grid and App Templates

Sandeep Adwankar: Sencha Power UI : Pivot Grid and App Templates

Lee Boonstra

June 03, 2015

More Decks by Lee Boonstra

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  1. Software — approaching a zero-day event! Delivery time Zero-day 2-4

    months 12-18 months Forrester: Michael Facemire at Senchacon 2015
  2. What is a Pivot Grid? • A data summarization tool • Enables

    rapid summarization of large sets of data • Provides a simple way to perform basic analytics
  3. Classic Ext JS Grid: Sales Data • What is John Doe's

    total order amount? • What are the total order amounts by country? • How did salespeople perform in a specific year?
  4. Pivot Grid Architecture Sencha Pivot Grid Component (Grid panel) Abstract

    Matrix Local Matrix (all calculations in the browser) Remote Matrix (all calculations remotely on the server) Left Axis Top Axis Results (Aggregation)
  5. Out-of-the-box Features •  Sorting (case sensitive, using sort indexes) • 

    Sub-totals and Grand-totals •  Results Filtering (for labels and values) •  Results Grouping (using ranges) •  Renderers •  DrillDown Plugin •  Outline & Compact Layouts
  6. Pivot Grid Configurator •  Drag-and-drop interface for end users to

    perform analytics •  Snaps to existing data stores •  Excel Export
  7. Stencils for Designers •  Symbols used within Design tools (Illustrator,

    Omnigraffle, etc.) to convey ideas visually •  Sencha is bringing framework components closer to the designers, so they can align their designs with the capabilities of framework
  8. responsiveConfig  :  {              'width

     <  1000'  :  {      width:  0,      visible:  false    },    'width  >=  1000  &&  width   <  1600’:  {      width:  230,      visible:  true    },    'width  >=  1600’:  {      width:300,      visible:  true    }   }   Responsive Config Code