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Using frameworks to avoid common pitfalls of ap...

Using frameworks to avoid common pitfalls of app development

Using frameworks to avoid common pitfalls of app development - presentation, 15min quickie @ Devoxx - Lee Boonstra

Lee Boonstra

June 18, 2015

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  1. @ladysign #sencha Using Frameworks to Avoid Common Pitfalls of App

    Development Lee Boonstra Sencha Inc. @ladysign
  2. @ladysign #sencha About me Lee Boonstra Sales Engineer Sencha Inc.

    @ladysign http://github.com/savelee http://www.ladysign-apps.com
  3. @ladysign #sencha • Single Page Apps • Write once, run

    everywhere • Updates in real-time • Can do everything, like native* * well, sort of…
  4. @ladysign #sencha “Every day large enterprises decide to migrate their

    existing applications to HTML5 web applications”
  5. @ladysign #sencha Serious app development isn’t easy… •Data retrieval •Secure

    login •Forms & validation •Data tables •Data visualisations •Offline availability • Beautiful design • Best experience per device • Keyboard navigation • Touch events • ARIA support • Performance
  6. @ladysign #sencha “Serious app development is like playing Tetris. Stacking

    technologies on top of each other. At some moment it’s too hard to maintain.”
  7. @ladysign #sencha That’s a lot of code! Maintainability How to

    maintain your codebase? Re-usability How can you re-use your code? Scalability How can you scale your app? Teamwork How can you work with teams? Cost How can you keep the costs low?
  8. @ladysign #sencha A framework can help you! • Making screens

    pixel perfect across browsers and devices • Delivering the best experience for the right device • Using simple framework API calls to solve time consuming work • Writing one unified coding style
  9. @ladysign #sencha The Sencha Platform Design Prototype | Theme !

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