I gave this presentation to a small crowd at Flash on Tap in May of 2009. This was one of my favorite presentations, because the event was in conjunction with a beer festival.
companies Content = Mobile “Apps”, games, other Media Gardens (open/closed) = Ecosystem Setups Fragmentation = (SW/HW) inconsistencies across devices/platforms Handsets = SmartPhones/Mobile Phones App = (Mobile) Software Application Emulators = Mobile Testing Software Target(s) = Devices and/or platforms you are working with/developing for ... and many more. No shortage of industry terms! :)
of Flash (Lite) on Mobile & Devices Adobe Community Expert, Certified Trainer, & User Group Co-manager, & Forum Nokia Champion Mobile Book author & Community Blogger CEO/Founder - Hooken Mobile
Conference Guide” FITC 2005 (Flash Conference in Toronto) Flash Lite 1.1 (UI) + MySQL + PHP (backend) How many people used? 5 out of 500 = 1% No “App Stores” then (circa 2005) ... ;) Flash Lite 1.1 Mobile Guide
500 internet sites. Flash 9 (AS2 only) support Local Connection / HTML Text / GetURL_target / CSS support / WMode H.264 support * / Improved video support (smoothing, seek) Improved memory handling for images MP3 Streaming support ** Linux Reference port * Requires OEM porting to chipset. ** Requires licensing from MPEG. Essentially working with “Flash 8" Development = ActionScript 2.0 Features over Flash Lite 3.0
happen? Not for while ... IMHO Hope = Flash to native iPhone Converters! iphone graphic with flash icon? open plug icon, eye gt/b.tween icon? we cover eyeGT and barefoot porting process in our upcoming book. Read eyeGT and Open Plug Docs. Flex to native iPhone eyeGT & b.Tween Framework Flash to native iPhone (Porting)
Flash Lite using ... Nokia S60 Platform Services, SEMC Capuchin, Kuneri Lite, SWF2Go, Flyer, Janus, etc Leverage Device Central CS4 SDK Visit: www.flashmobilebook.com mobile dev landscape is full of landmines. pic?
Evaluate use of Frameworks (e.g. Feather) Leverage Device Central CS4 features (Task Plug-ins to ease workflow) Use Nokia RDA and Device Anywhere Focus on high end targets (e.g. N97, 5800)
Flash Lite Developer Challenge ($100K total) www.flashlitedeveloperchallenge.com Publish to Nokia OVI (App) Store publish.ovi.com Nokia: Calling All Innovators www.callingallinnovators.org