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Benefits Administration Services

March 14, 2024

Benefits Administration Services

Secova’s online benefits enrollment platform, BenAssure, is a user-friendly tool built with the purpose of processing elections, completing life events, educating employees, reducing paper transactions, and managing benefits online year-round. BenAssure helps identify individual employee benefit options and aids in the enrollment self-serve flow with a series of links and tools to enhance end-user experience.


March 14, 2024

Other Decks in Business


  1.  As a leader, your time holds greater significance than

    merely a commodity exchanged for a wage from your employing company. It serves as a vital asset that requires meticulous allocation to ensure seamless operations, adequate support for team members, and the completion of individual tasks. Effective time management strategies are imperative for leaders navigating busy, high-achieving environments.  Leaders ought to establish SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For instance, instead of a vague aim to enhance team communication, set a concrete objective of conducting one-on-one meetings with each team member biweekly. With a clear target in mind, you can integrate it into your meticulously crafted schedule and execute it efficiently.  About Us and our helpful Employee services - Secova
  2.  Direct your focus towards three core areas: calendar management,

    task and project execution, and maintaining work-life balance. These domains hinge upon the fundamental assets every individual brings to their professional sphere: time, priorities, and energy.  Productive individuals strategically allocate their efforts, ensuring essential tasks are accomplished during intervals between significant events such as high-stakes meetings. Rather than filling downtime with non-essential activities like work chats or low-priority tasks, they capitalize on these moments to advance key objectives.  Despite diligent time management efforts, many individuals still find themselves entangled in the allure of low-hanging fruit. This is why prioritizing the Most Important Task (MIT) each day holds such significance. By tackling the most crucial task first thing in the morning when energy and focus are at their peak, one sets the tone for a productive day ahead.  About Us and our helpful Employee services - Secova
  3.  Timeboxing involves scheduling all your daily tasks into specific

    time slots on your calendar, ensuring each activity is allocated a designated duration. This approach holds you accountable for completing tasks within the specified timeframe, thereby aiding in estimating the level of effort required. Mastering timeboxing is a valuable skill in project management, allowing you to set time limits for tasks and assess your progress against them.  Begin by assigning one or more 30-minute time slots to each project on your list. For instance, prospecting serves as a fitting example. Once you complete a project, seamlessly transition to the next one. If 30 minutes proves insufficient for tasks like prospecting, allocate multiple 30-minute segments to them, ensuring they are distributed across the day. Maintaining focus for short intervals such as 30 minutes is more manageable, facilitating efficient task completion.
  4.  Avoid assuming that you'll effortlessly adhere to the schedule

    you've set for yourself; instead, monitor your activities as you engage in them. Several applications, each varying in sophistication, can aid in this endeavor. For instance, DeskTime offers a plethora of features such as reports, integrations with project management software, and productivity timelines.  At the conclusion of each workday, take time to reflect on how you utilized your time. Subsequently, log events into your calendar to create a detailed record of your accomplishments during each time block. This practice refines your ability to estimate workloads accurately and holds you accountable for the tasks you committed to completing. Most calendar apps allow you to keep these records private if you prefer not to share them with your entire organization.  About Us and our helpful Employee services - Secova
  5.  To maintain manageable stress levels, managers should prioritize mastering

    one crucial skill: delegation. Your capacity to reach your fullest potential hinges on your ability to carve out time and space to cultivate your strengths and passions. Delegating tasks not only alleviates stress but also mitigates the risk of burnout. Creating a detailed map of your tasks enables you to pinpoint precisely which responsibilities can be delegated.  Achieving peak performance necessitates taking regular, deliberate breaks to rejuvenate. Engaging in high-intensity, focused work depletes cognitive resources, making restorative breaks essential for recharging. These breaks enhance productivity, restore motivation, and foster better decision-making, ultimately leading to more creative outcomes.
  6.  When the stakes seem insignificant, it's tempting to downplay

    the importance of meticulous time management strategies. However, as your responsibilities, workload, and the expectations placed on you increase, the necessity of mastering time management becomes evident. It's crucial to refine these strategies to a precise science to effectively navigate your obligations and still find room for enjoyment and fulfillment. Fulfilling your role as a leader entails this commitment.  Within the framework of a typical day, you have eight hours for sleep, eight for work, and the final eight hours for personal pursuits. How you allocate this time profoundly influences the quality of your life.  About Us and our helpful Employee services - Secova