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Scaling ML embedding models to serve a billion ...

Scaling ML embedding models to serve a billion queries

This talk is aimed at providing a deeper insight into the scale, challenges and solutions formulated for powering embeddings based visual search in eBay. This talk walks the audience through the model architecture, application archite for serving the users, the workflow pipelines produced for building the embeddings to be used by Cassini, eBay's search engine and the unique challenges faced during this journey. This talk provides key insights specific to embedding handling and how to scale systems to provide real time clustering based solutions for users.

What You Will Learn:

The audience will learn how to productionize embedding based data pipelines, key challenges and potential solutions, introduction to different quantization algorithms and their advantages/disadvantages. The audience will also get a deeper view on how data pipelines and workflows are modeled for optimal scale.

Senthilkumar Gopal

October 23, 2022

More Decks by Senthilkumar Gopal

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