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ScalikeJDBC Tutorial for Beginners

ScalikeJDBC Tutorial for Beginners


The latest guide in 2018:

Kazuhiro Sera

June 11, 2013

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  1. SQL-based import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ val id = 123 // Anorm-like

    API for Scala 2.9 val name = SQL(“select name from company where id = {id}”) .bindByName(‘id -> id).map(rs => rs.string(“name”)).single.apply() // SQL Interpolation since 2.10 val name = sql”select name from company where id = ${id}” .map(rs => rs.string(“name”)).single.apply() // Query DSL val name = withSQL { select(c.name).from(Company as c).where.eq(c.id, id) }.map(rs => rs.string(c.resultName.name)).single.apply()
  2. Everybody knows SQL We don’t need something new and different

    from SQL. Maybe, you can write the code on the previous slide immediately, right? Because you already know SQL.
  3. Easy-to-use CP DB block such as DB.readOnly { ... }

    borrows a connection from ConnectionPool. Since ConnectionPool is a singleton object, you can easily borrow anywhere.
  4. ConnectionPool import scalikejdbc._ Class.forName(“org.h2.Driver”) // default connection pool val (url,

    user, password) = (“jdbc:h2:mem:db”, “sa”, “”) ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password) val conn: java.sql.Connection = ConnectionPool.borrow() val names: List[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session => sql”select name from company”.map(_.string(“name”).list.apply() } // named connection pool val poolSettings = new ConnectionPoolSettings(maxSize = 50) ConnectionPool.add(‘secondary, url, user, passsword, poolSettings) NamedDB(‘secondary) readOnly { implicit session =>
  5. DBCP by default By default, only Commons DBCP implementation is

    provided. It’s also possible to implement your preferred connection pool. (e.g. C3P0, BoneCP)
  6. Implicit DBSession import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ val id = 123 //

    DBSession usage val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { session: DBSession => session.single(“select name from company where id = ?”, id) { rs => rs.string(“name”) } } // SQL API requires implicit DBSession val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session => sql”select name from company where id = ${id}” .map(_.string(“name”)).single.apply() }
  7. Automatic AutoSession creates & closes an ad- hoc session if

    absent. query: read-only session update: auto-commit session
  8. Flexible Transaction import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ implicit val session = AutoSession

    sql”select name from company”.map(_.string(“name”)).list.apply() def addCompany(name: String)(implicit s: DBSession = AutoSession) { sql”insert into company values (${name})”.update.apply() } def getAllNames()(implicit s: DBSession = AutoSession): List[String] = { sql”select name from company”.map(_.string(“name”)).list.apply() } val names: List[String] = getAllNames() // read-only session DB localTx { implicit session => addCompany(“Typesafe”) // within a transaction getAllNames() // within a transaction, includes “Typesafe” }
  9. SQLSyntax? // SQLSyntax = a part of SQL object, will

    be embedded as-is val c: SQLSyntax = sqls”count(*)” val bobby: String = “Bob%” val query = sql”select ${c} from members where name like ${bobby}” // -> “select count(*) from members where name like ?” A part of SQL object which will be embedded as-is.
  10. SQLSyntaxSupport SQLSyntaxSupport provides DRY and type safe SQL. - CoC

    but configurable - Write complex join queries - Using type-dynamic(similar to Ruby’s method-missing) but have compile-time check with macro
  11. CoC Rules // Scala object case class GroupMember(id: Long, fullName:

    Option[String] = None) obejct GroupMember extends SQLSyntaxSupport[GroupMember] // DDL create table group_member { id bigint not null primary key, full_name varchar(255) } Simply snake_case’d name
  12. Customize it // Scala object case class GroupMember(id: Long, fullName:

    Option[String] = None) obejct GroupMember extends SQLSyntaxSupport[GroupMember] { override val tableName = “group_members” override val nameConverters = Map(“fullName” -> “fullname”) } // DDL create table group_members { id bigint not null primary key, fullname varchar(255) }
  13. Query & Extracting import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ // entity class (Plain

    Old Scala Object) case class Member(id: Long, fullName: Option[String] = None) // companion object for entity obejct Member extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Member] { def apply(m: ResultName[Member])(rs: WrappedResultSet) = new Member( id = rs.long(m.id), name = rs.stringOpt(m.fullName) ) ) val m = Member.syntax(“m”) val id = 123 val memebr: Option[Member] = DB readOnly { implicit s => sql”select ${m.result.*} from ${Member as m} where ${m.id} = ${id}” .map(Member(m.resultName)).single.apply() }
  14. result? resultName? val m = Member.syntax(“m”) m.fullName == “m.full_name” m.result.fullName

    == “m.full_name as fn_on_m” m.resultName.fullName == “fn_on_m” Scala: sql”select ${m.result.fullName} from ${Member as m} where ${m.id} = 123” SQL: “select m.full_name as fn_on_m from member m where m.id = 123” ResultSet extractor: val name = sql”...”.map(rs => rs.string(m.resultName.fullName)).single.apply() // extracting “fn_on_m” from ResultSet
  15. Type safe dynamic import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ val m = Member.syntax(“m”)

    val id = 123 val memebr: Option[Member] = DB readOnly { implicit s => sql”select ${m.result.fullNamee} from ${Member as m} where ${m.id} = ${id}” .map(Member(m.resultName)).single.apply() } <console>:28: error: Member#fullNamee not found. Expected fields are #id, #fullName, #createdAt, #deletedAt. m.fullNamee ^
  16. Uniqueness - DBSession inspired by Querulous - SQL(String) inspired by

    Anorm - sql”...” inspired by Slick Query DSL is surely ScalikeJDBC’s original way!
  17. What’s Query DSL - Just appends SQL parts - Type

    safe and pragmatic - Easy to understand - Not composable but reusable - Parts from sqls object - Append sqls”...” when needed
  18. Query DSL examples import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ implicit val session =

    AutoSession val c = Company.syntax(“c”) val id = 123 val company: Option[Company] = withSQL { select.from(Company as c).where.eq(c.id, id) }.map(Company(c.resultName)).single.apply() insert.into(Company).values(123, “Typesafe”) val column = Company.column update(Company).set(column.name -> “Oracle”).where.eq(column.id, 123) delete.from(Company).where.eq(column.id, 123)
  19. Joins, one-to-x API val programmerWithSkills = withSQL { select .from(Programmer

    as p) .leftJoin(Company as c).on(p.companyId, c.id) .leftJoin(ProgrammerSkill as ps).on(ps.programmerId, p.id) .leftJoin(Skill as s).(ps.skillId, s.id) .where .eq(p.id, id) .and .isNull(p.deletedAt) } .one(Programmer(p, c)) .toMany(SKill.opt(s)) .map { (pg, skills) => pg.copy(skills = skills) } .single.apply()
  20. Sub query, Paging val noSkillProgrammers = withSQL { select .from(Programmer

    as p) .leftJoin(Company as c).on(p.companyId, c.id) .where .notIn(p.id, select(sqls.distinct(ps.programmerId)).from(ProgrammerSkill as ps)) .isNull(p.deletedAt) .limit(10).offset(0) .orderBy(p.id).desc } .map(Programmer(p, c)) .list.apply()
  21. sqls.xxx, sqls”...” val userId = val orderCount: Long = withSQL

    { select(sqls.count(sqls.distinct(o.id))) // sqls object .from(Order as o) .innerJoin(Product as p).on(p.id,o.productId) .where .append(sqls”${o.userId} = ${userId}”) // direct SQL embedding } .map(rs => rs.long(1)) .single.apply().get
  22. More and More - insert select - groupBy, having -

    in, exists, like, between - union, unionAll - withRoundBracket { ... } - dynamic(And|Or)Conditions { ... } In detail: QueryDSLFeature.scala QueryInterfaceSpec.scala
  23. Code Generator - sbt plugin - Code from existing tables

    - project/scalikejdbc.properties - Play2 style models and tests In detail: Wiki Page sbt “scalikejdbc-gen [table-name]”
  24. Testing with ScalaTest import scalikejdbc._, scalatest.AutoRollback import org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec class MemberSpec

    extends FlatSpec with AutoRollback { override def fixture(implicit s: DBSession) { sql”delete from members”.update.apply() Member.create(1, “Alice”) } behavior of “Member” it should “create a new record” in { implicit s => val beforeCount = Member.count Member.create(123, “Brian”) Member.count should equal(before + 1) } }
  25. Testing with specs2 (1) import scalikejdbc._, specs2.mutable.AutoRollback import org.specs2.mutable.Specification object

    MemberSpec extends Specification { “Member should create a new record” in new MyAutoRollback { val beforeCount = Member.count Member.create(123, “Brian”) Member.count should equal(before + 1) } } trait MyAutoRollback extends AutoRollback { override def fixture(implicit s: DBSession) { sql”delete from members”.update.apply() Member.create(1, “Alice”) } }
  26. Testing with specs2 (2) import scalikejdbc._, specs2.AutoRollback import org.specs2.Specification object

    MemberSpec extends Specification { def is = “Member should create a new record” ! autoRollback().create end } case class autoRollback() extends AutoRollback { override def fixture(implicit s: DBSession) { sql”delete from members”.update.apply() Member.create(1, “Alice”) } def create = this { val beforeCount = Member.count Member.create(123, “Brian”) Member.count should equal(before + 1) } }
  27. Play2 Support - Integrates with Play2 seamlessly - Read conf/application.conf

    - Add plugin to conf/play.plugins - FixturePlugin is also available - Great contribution by @tototoshi In detail: Wiki Page
  28. More info Examples devteam-app example QueryInterfaceSpec.scala Reference Wiki Pages Users

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