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How to be right on the Internet

How to be right on the Internet

We all write things online, disagree with people, and try to put arguments forward. The best way to get to the core of a discussion, or to rot it to the core, is to understand the fallacies commonly used in debates. With real examples, come and get an overview of how bad arguments can be construed, and how to sound really cold when telling people they’re wrong.

Sebastien Lambla

June 11, 2016

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  1. Microsoft is Secretly ran by space monekys from saturn. CharLes

    simonyi went to space on a Soyuz, so it’s obvious they all have meetings up there Sebastien L. from Peterborough
  2. Microsoft is Secretly ran by space monekys from saturn. CharLes

    simonyi went to space on a soyuz, so it’s obvious they have meetings up there Sebastien L. from Peterborough ANECTDOTAL FALLACY
  3. Show me that monkeys from Saturn are not running Microsoft,

    I dare you! Sebastien L. from Peterborough
  4. Show me that monkeys from Saturn are not running Microsoft,

    I dare you! Sebastien L. from Peterborough ONUS PROBANDI
  5. What kind of shoes are those monkeys wearing? You don’t

    even know what shoes they wear, because there is no monkey! Miguel D. in transit to Redmond
  6. What kind of shoes are those monkeys wearing? You don’t

    even know what shoes they wear, because there is no monkey! Miguel D. in transit to Redmond CONTINUUM FALLACY
  7. MS-DOS was released in August 1981. Only 3 weeks later,

    the Voyager probe reached Saturn. Is that not proof enough? Sebastien L. from Peterborough
  8. MS-DOS was released in August 1981. Only 3 weeks later,

    the Voyager probe reached Saturn. Is that not proof enough? Sebastien L. from Peterborough POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC
  9. I’m not saying those Microsoft executives are not from Saturn,

    but we’ve not seen their birth certificates, I’m just saying, what are they hiding? Donald T. from B&Q in Mexico
  10. I’m not saying those Microsoft executives are not from Saturn,

    but we’ve not seen their birth certificates, I’m just saying, what are they hiding? Donald T. from B&Q in Mexico FURTIVE FALLACY
  11. Let’s be serious here. Those questions are not serious enough

    to be worth of our time. Written from my blackberry Hillary C. from the Apple store
  12. Let’s be serious here. Those questions are not serious enough

    to be worth of our time. Written from my blackberry Hillary C. from the Apple store POOH-POOH
  13. You just want to impose your views of space monkeys

    on the world. You know who else did that? Hitler. That’s right. Reddit
  14. You just want to impose your views of space monkeys

    on the world. You know who else did that? Hitler. That’s right. Reddit ARGUMENTUM AD HITLERUM