MySQL → Cassandra → Riak ͱϦϓϨʔε • ϢʔβΞΫςΟϏςΟσʔλ͓ΑͼτϥϑΟο ΫσʔλΛอଘ • τϥϑΟοΫσʔλMySQL͔ΒҠߦʢෳDC ؒͷσʔλϨϓϦέʔγϣϯ͕ඞཁʣ • ϢʔβσʔλCassandra͔ΒҠߦʢbackward compa_bility͕֬อͰ͖͍ͯͳ͍͜ͱ͕աڈͷ ϦϦʔεʹ͋Γɺ৴༻Ͱ͖ͳ͍ͨΊܾஅʣ • 5ΧॴͷDCؒͰσʔλϨϓϦέʔγϣϯ • 2011ʹ4 trillionͷadσʔλΛѻ͏ɻ advertising conomic potential of uding OpenX mpTime) provide a bining ad serving, an ad exchange, a Supply Side Platform, and ach year. OpenX uses Riak for user and trafficking data behind its data services API. They selected Riak due to its highly available, low-latency, redundant architecture. OpenX also uses Riak’s multi- datacenter replication across several data centers, providing up-to-date data throughout its global infrastructure. For more details about how OpenX uses Riak, check out the video of Anthony Molinaro, OpenX engineer, speaking at RICON2012, Basho’s 2012 developer conference. ng technology provider. gencies, mobile operators, active and measurable obile devices. In 2009, rly all of the broadcasters le operators. With the dly, they needed to move to an architecture that could gracefully new platform because it is distributed, scalable, and highly mes of traffic. they opted to build two geographically separated, mirrored sites ation feature. As Marcus Kern, VP of Technology at Velti, ver 140 customers. We cannot afford a single minute of d exceed our requirements for scale, data durability, and 2009࣌