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Python at the speed of light - Simulating Relat...

Python at the speed of light - Simulating Relativity using EinsteinPy

An introduction to the very new python package "EinsteinPy", and how it helps to solve the greatest and most complex problem of all times - General Relativity. EinsteinPy is an Astropy Affiliated Package and a member organisation in ESA Summer of Code in Space 2019.

View talk here: https://cloudproject.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=8f42ed8d-d329-4f10-9ed4-aa9a0107f880

Lightning talk delivered at Python in Astronomy 2019 @ Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, United States of America

Shreyas Bapat

July 29, 2019

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  1. Python at the speed of light Simulating relativity using EinsteinPy

    Lightning Talk Shreyas Bapat @astroshreyas PyAstro 2019 @ STScI, Baltimore (USA) 29/07/2019
  2. Who is this guy? • Undergraduate (Electrical Engineering) from IIT

    Mandi, India • Amateur Astronomer • Software Intern @ Siemens • Passionate about open code • Former Coordinator of Space Technology and Astronomy Cell, IIT Mandi
  3. What’s Wrong? According to derivation from Maxwell’s equation, speed of

    light is given by : • The equation does not depend upon the position or velocity of the observer. • This contradicts with Galileo’s and Newton’s perception of velocity(classical mechanics)
  4. Incorporate Gravity into SR (GR) • Special Relativity - 1905

    • General Relativity - 1916 • First exact solution to GR(Schwarzschild Solution) - 1916
  5. Straight lines in curved space! • Introduction to geodesics •

    In differential geometry, a geodesic is a curve representing in some sense the shortest path between two points in a surface, or more generally in a Riemannian manifold. It is a generalization of the notion of a "straight line" to a more general setting.
  6. Einstein’s Field Equation (EFE) Einstein's equation relates the matter content

    (right side of the equation) to the geometry (the left side) of the system. It can be summed up with "mass creates geometry, and geometry acts like mass".
  7. The EinsteinPy Core Team Shreyas Bapat Lead Developer Coordinates, Plotting

    and Packaging Ritwik Saha Lead Developer Symbolic Bhavya Bhatt Theoretical Physicist Metrics and ODE Priyanshu Khandelwal Lead Developer Conda Packaging, Adaptive Mesh Refinement
  8. General Details ~ 28 Contributors so far! ~ 3200 Downloads

    (PyPi + conda) ~ 112 Stars (We want more :p) Packaged in Debian Astro Pure Blend
  9. The EinsteinPy Package Key functionality and common tools needed for

    doing general relativity, gravitational physics, relativistically corrected orbit dynamics with Python
  10. The EinsteinPy Package Key functionality and common tools needed for

    doing general relativity, gravitational physics, relativistically corrected orbit dynamics with Python Key Features : Geometry analysis and trajectory calculation in vacuum solutions of Einstein’s field equations. - Schwarzschild Space-Time - Kerr Space-Time - Kerr-Newman Space-Time
  11. The EinsteinPy Package Key functionality and common tools needed for

    doing general relativity, gravitational physics, relativistically corrected orbit dynamics with Python Key Features : Coordinates support (~einsteinpy.coordinates) - Cartesian Coordinates - Spherical Coordinates - Boyer Lindquist Coordinates
  12. The EinsteinPy Package Key functionality and common tools needed for

    doing general relativity, gravitational physics, relativistically corrected orbit dynamics with Python Key Features : Symbolic Calculations - Christoffel Symbols - Riemann Curvature Tensor - Simplification of symbolic expressions - Weyl Tensor, Einstein Tensor SOCIS Student: Sofía Ortín Vela, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
  13. The EinsteinPy Package Key functionality and common tools needed for

    doing general relativity, gravitational physics, relativistically corrected orbit dynamics with Python Key Features : Visualisation of Geodesics - 2D, 3D Visualisation using Matplotlib - 2D, 3D Interactive Visualisation using Plotly - Environment aware plotting and backend selection
  14. Get in touch with EPy Community! Mailing List : einsteinpy-dev@groups.io

    (https://groups.io/g/einsteinpy-dev) Chatroom : https://matrix.to/#/#einsteinpy:matrix.org Developer Support : developers@einsteinpy.org GitHub : https://github.com/einsteinpy/einsteinpy Blog : https://einsteinpy.org Documentation: https://docs.einsteinpy.org
  15. Get in touch :D GitHub : shreyasbapat Twitter : @astroshreyas

    You can follow me to keep updated :) Or mail me : hello@shreyasb.com , shreyas@einsteinpy.org