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How Silex and Cilex became the glue for a media...

How Silex and Cilex became the glue for a media transcoding application (TrueNorthPHP 2013)

Symfony2 is awesome, but can be overkill for some applications. During this talk, you will hear about a use case for using the Silex microframework for web and the Cilex microframework for CLI, and how these frameworks combined became the glue to the components of the media transcoding application that powers the majority of on-demand adaptive streaming for the Dutch public broadcasting organization NPO.

Stefan Koopmanschap

November 08, 2013

More Decks by Stefan Koopmanschap

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  1. Stefan Koopmanschap • PHP developer since ’97/’98 • Ingewikkeld and

    Techademy • Several PHP communities • Regular conference speaker
  2. What happens? • Mediamanagement delivers XML and source file •

    Transcoding expects sourcefile and API call
  3. Tasks • Monitor • Validate • Send to Codem •

    Wait for feedback • Finalize • Publish
  4. Functional application management • Quickly see recent jobs • See

    which jobs failed, and why • Search for old jobs