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Building PaaS on Kubernetes

Jason Hansen
February 25, 2016

Building PaaS on Kubernetes

Presentation given at the Cloud Native Apps meetup in San Francisco on 2/25/2016 (http://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Apps-SF/events/228647337/)

With bonus material on Kubernetes label selectors!

Jason Hansen

February 25, 2016

More Decks by Jason Hansen

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  20. Service: My App Name: my-app Label Selectors: app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas:

    1 Label Selectors: version=2 app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas: 2 Label Selectors: version=1 app=my-app Name: my-app-xaj712 Labels: version=1 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-lka2ja Labels: version=1 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-19sdfd Labels: version=2 app=my-app Pod
  21. Service: My App Name: my-app Label Selectors: app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas:

    2 Label Selectors: version=2 app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas: 1 Label Selectors: version=1 app=my-app Name: my-app-xaj712 Labels: version=1 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-19sdfd Labels: version=2 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-xaj712 Labels: version=2 app=my-app Pod
  22. Service: My App Name: my-app Label Selectors: app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas:

    2 Label Selectors: version=2 app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas: 0 Label Selectors: version=1 app=my-app Name: my-app-19sdfd Labels: version=2 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-0q2a87 Labels: version=2 app=my-app Pod
  23. ReplicationController Replicas: 2 Label Selectors: version=1 app=my-app Name: my-app-xaj712 Labels:

    version=1 app=my-app Pod Name: my-app-lka2ja Labels: version=1 app=my-app Pod
  24. Service: My App Name: my-app Label Selectors: app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas:

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  25. Service: My App Name: my-app Label Selectors: app=my-app ReplicationController Replicas:

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