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Terraform at Honestbee

Terraform at Honestbee


Tips after using Terraform to provision k8s clusters, manage service dependencies and provide developer workflow


March 26, 2018

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  1. at

  2. Agenda 1. Who am I? 2. What is Honestbee? 3.

    Scaling Honestbee 4. Adoption of Terraform at Honestbee 5. Reproduce Environments using Workspaces 6. Empower engineers using Modules 7. Adopt Git-Ops with Atlantis
  3. Who am I? Vincent De Smet DevOps Engineer @ Honestbee

    Singapore Co-organiser for Kubernetes, Cloud Native and GCP Singapore user groups in Singapore vincentdesmet so0k
  4. Initial Honestbee Set Up - Small team, move fast -

    Monolithic code base Ruby on Rails - Platform as a Service AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  5. Scaling your company in the cloud - Grow engineering headcount

    Monolithic code base - Stay agile - move towards - Loosely Coupled Services - Frequent / incremental updates - Elastic cloud resources - but… keep cloud resources and costs under control Reference: http://docker.com - Agile evolution
  6. Scaling your company in the cloud How to adopt loosely

    coupled services … Immutable deployments, maximise resource utilisation, resilient architecture, ...
  7. Terraform config defines cloud resources (for example): Terraform Workspaces resource

    "aws_rds_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_identifier = "mysvc-staging-db" ... } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mysvc" { bucket = "mysvc-staging-bucket" acl = "private" ... } resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_id = "mysvc-staging-cache" ... }
  8. Terraform apply instantiates environments with state tracking changes: default Terraform

    Workspaces resource "aws_rds_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_identifier = "mysvc-staging-db" ... } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mysvc" { bucket = "mysvc-staging-bucket" acl = "private" ... } resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_id = "mysvc-staging-cache" ... } state
  9. Terraform workspaces allow us to instantiate multiple environments, keeping separate

    state: Terraform Workspaces resource "aws_rds_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_identifier = "mysvc- ${terraform.workspace}-db" ... } resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mysvc" { bucket = "mysvc- ${terraform.workspace}-bucket" acl = "private" ... } resource "aws_elasticache_cluster" "mysvc" { cluster_id = "mysvc- ${terraform.workspace}-cache" ... } staging state prod state
  10. Modules Portable Terraform configurations (packages) Allow separation of concerns and

    responsibilities among teams Why? - Provide off-the-shelf functionality for Engineers - Enforce best practices and conventions for cloud infrastructure
  11. variable "ami_id" {} variable "instance_type" {} resource "aws_instance" "db" {

    # ... } output "address" { value = "${aws_instance.db.private_dns}" } my-instance-module/main.tf
  12. $ terraform init Downloading modules... Get: file:///home/training/terraform-workshop/example-module Initializing provider plugins...

    - Checking for available provider plugins on https://releases.hashicorp.com... - Downloading plugin for provider "aws" (1.2.0)... - Downloading plugin for provider "null" (1.0.0)... ... Terminal
  13. Modules: Source Terraform supports module import from: • Local file

    paths • Git (GitHub / BitBucket / Generic Git ... ) • HTTP URLs • S3 buckets • Terraform Registry
  14. Module Source: Git Using git (ssh): source = "git@github.com:hashicorp/example.git//subdir" GitHub

    source URLs require that Git is installed on your system and that you have access to the repository
  15. Module Source: Git Initial adoption: source = "git@github.com:hashicorp/example.git//subdir" Pros: -

    Get started using shared modules fast (fetch directly from git) Cons: - workflow becomes slow (full mono-repo is cloned per module import) - versioning requires the use of tags and careful release management
  16. Module Source: HTTP Fetching modules over http: source = "https://modules.mycompany.com/module.tar.gz"

    Pros: - Modules are fetched much faster and take up less space Cons: - Requires proper CI/CD set up (linting / builds / file hosting) - Requires private network & VPN set up …
  17. Module Source: HTTP Example CI / CD set up -

    using Drone.io & https://github.com/mbtproject/mbt
  18. Writing Modules: Balancing - big / generic modules VS small

    single purpose modules Note: HCL Conditionals are a HACK! this module provisions: - postgres instance - s3 bucket - iam policy - dns entries - ... postgres instance s3 bucket iam policy simple dns
  19. Writing Modules: Balancing - individual variables VS config "maps" Note:

    HCL map support can be icky! variable "db_host" { } variable "db_user" { } variable "db_password" { } db_host = "" db_user = "" db_password = "" variable "db" { type = "map" } db = { host = "", user = "", password = "", }
  20. Atlantis Open source project originally out of Hootsuite https://www.runatlantis.io/ Enable

    engineers to run terraform directly from pull requests Why? - Better collaboration and visibility - Review and Approval Workflow - Engineers don't need full AWS Access
  21. Demo We want http://devops-sg-demo.honestbee.com to use: - Weighted Route53 Records

    across apse1a and apse1b AZs - Route53 HealthChecks for automated failover on AZ failure https://github.com/honestbee/devops-singapore-example/pull/4/files
  22. Conclusion Today: Terraform configurations essential for hosted services not managed

    by Kubernetes Long term: migrate towards control loops and declarative resource manifests: See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/service-catalog/ Terraform will always remain as a way to define our core cloud infrastructure.