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Understanding (JS === CoffeeScript)

Understanding (JS === CoffeeScript)

Coffeescript can be a really helpful tool, especially when you are working with a team of ruby developers, but there are a few gotchas that require really understanding Javascript to not shoot yourself in the foot.

Alex Angelini

August 21, 2013

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Array.prototype.slice.call 1 var race, 2 __slice = [].slice; 3 4

    race = function() { 5 var runners, winner; 6 winner = arguments[0] 7 runners = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; 8 return print(winner, runners); 9 }; 1 race = (winner, runners...) -> 2 print winner, runners CoffeeScript Javascript Wednesday, August 21, 13
  2. void 0 CoffeeScript Javascript 1 a = undefined 1 var

    a; 2 3 a = void 0; Wednesday, August 21, 13
  3. _results.push CoffeeScript Javascript 1 expensiveOperation = -> 2 for stuff

    in allTheStuff 3 stuff.exec() 1 var expensiveOperation; 2 3 expensiveOperation = function() { 4 var stuff, _i, _len, _results; 5 _results = []; 6 for (_i = 0, _len = allTheStuff.length; _i < _len; _i++) { 7 stuff = allTheStuff[_i]; 8 _results.push(stuff.exec()); 9 } 10 return _results; 11 }; Wednesday, August 21, 13
  4. Triple Equal CoffeeScript Javascript 1 a == b 2 a

    is b 3 a != b 1 a === b; 2 3 a === b; 4 5 a !== b; Wednesday, August 21, 13
  5. hasOwnProperty CoffeeScript Javascript 1 for own key, val of obj

    2 console.log(key, val) 1 var key, val, 2 __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; 3 4 for (key in obj) { 5 if (!__hasProp.call(obj, key)) continue; 6 val = obj[key]; 7 console.log(key, val); 8 } Wednesday, August 21, 13
  6. Existential Operator (?) CoffeeScript Javascript 1 a? 2 a =

    1 3 a? 4 a?() 1 var a; 2 3 typeof a !== "undefined" && a !== null; 4 5 a = 1; 6 7 a != null; 8 9 if (typeof a === "function") { 10 a(); 11 } Wednesday, August 21, 13
  7. (Safety?) Function CoffeeScript Javascript 1 a = 1 2 3

    task = (a) -> 4 a + 1 1 (function() { 2 3 var a, task; 4 5 a = 1; 6 7 task = function(a) { 8 return a + 1; 9 }; 10 11 })() Wednesday, August 21, 13
  8. Fat Arrow => CoffeeScript Javascript 1 class Car 2 constructor:

    (@speed) -> 3 @wheels = [0, 0, 10, 10] 4 5 move: -> 6 @wheels.map (wheel) => 7 wheel + @speed 8 return 1 var Car; 2 3 Car = (function() { 4 function Car(speed) { 5 this.speed = speed; 6 this.wheels = [0, 0, 10, 10]; 7 } 8 9 Car.prototype.move = function() { 10 var _this = this; 11 this.wheels.map(function(wheel) { 12 return wheel + _this.speed; 13 }); 14 }; 15 16 return Car; 17 18 })(); Wednesday, August 21, 13
  9. Function Calls CoffeeScript Javascript 1 a = -> 2 a

    3 a() 4 b(a) 5 b(a()) 1 var a; 2 3 a = function() {}; 4 5 a; 6 7 a(); 8 9 b(a); 10 11 b(a()); Wednesday, August 21, 13