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Intro to Swift

Intro to Swift

A quick introduction to Apple's new programming language for iOS and OSX.

Joe R. Smith

October 21, 2014

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  1. Swift Apple's new programming language for iOS and OS X

    Joe R. Smith 10-21-2014 Coffee & Code Omaha
  2. –Peter Landin “Most papers in computer science describe how their

    author learned what someone else already knew.”
  3. Design Goals • Modern Language Features • Fast/Powerful Systems &

    Application Development • Rapid, Iterative Development • Ready, Now: Minimize or Eliminate Barriers to Adoption • Evolvable
  4. Modern • Type Inference • Closures and first-class functions •

    Tuples, multiple return values • Optionals, Enums (the real deal) • Extensions, Protocols • Pattern matching • Generics • Functional idioms (map, filter, etc.)
  5. Modern • Type Inference • Closures and first-class functions •

    Tuples, multiple return values • Optionals, Enums (the real deal) • Extensions, Protocols • Pattern matching • Generics • Functional idioms (map, filter, etc.)
  6. Fast & Powerful • LLVM compiler/Toolchain • Genuinely C-like performance

    • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) • Safely Typed • Semantically, Strong + Static Typing • Strict type interfaces with subtype polymorphism • Consistent Semantics around Mutability • Much of the language built in itself 7 implementation inheritance
  7. Rapid Iteration • Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) • LLDB

    • Command line • Playgrounds • Minimal boilerplate
  8. Ready, Now • iOS 7 + • OS X 10.9

    + • Interoperable with Objective-C libraries • Full Cocoa/Cocoa Touch Framework compatibility
  9. Constants Immutable as a brick Declaration let launchCode: String =

    "000000" Declaration with Type Inference (inferred to be of type Int) let maxLaunchAttempts = 10
  10. Variables A variable's value can change, its Type cannot Declaration,

    with Type Inference (Inferred to be an Int and must always hold an Int) var launchAttempt = 3 Mutate! launchAttempt += 1 // launchAttempt now equals 4
  11. Numbers Number are "Named" Types Signed and unsigned Int variations

    (e.g. Int32, UInt16, etc) UInt8.max // 255 Int.max // 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 32-bit Float and 64-bit Double let pi = 3.14159 // Inferred as Double
  12. Numbers Exponents let atomsInTheObservableUniverse = 10e82 Bases let decimal =

    255 let octal = 0o377 let binary = 0b11111111 let hex = 0xff Delimiters let readableLargeInt = 10_234_567 // 10,234,567
  13. Strings Mutability determined by let/var Interpolation, immutable String let attemptMessage

 "There are \(maxLaunchAttempts - launchAttempt) launch attempts remaining!" // "There are 7 launch attempts remaining!" Concatenation, mutable String var warningMessage = "Warning: " + attemptMessage warningMessage += "!!" // "Warning: There are 7 launch attempts remaining!!!"
  14. Strings Mutability determined by let/var Copy on write var baz

    = "Simple things" let quux = baz baz += " should be simple" baz // "Simple things should be simple" quux // "Simple things"
  15. Tuples Compound values Indexed fields let person: (String, String, Int)

    = ("Joe", "Smith", 30) person.0 // "Joe" person.2 // 30 Named fields let person2: (first: String, last: String, age: Int) = (first: "Joe", last: "Smith", age: 30) person2.first // "Joe" person2.last // "Smith"
  16. Tuples Compound values Indexed fields let person = ("Joe", "Smith",

    30) person.0 // "Joe" person.2 // 30 Named fields let person2 = (first: "Joe", last: "Smith", age: 30) person2.first // "Joe" person2.last // "Smith"
  17. • Non-optional variables cannot be nil. • Optional types must

    be used when a variable might not contain a value, i.e. should be settable to `nil`. • Optionals are represented as a Type followed by `?` • e.g.: String? Optionals
  18. Optionals All vars must be initialized or Optional Optionals must

    be unwrapped to access their values. if (lastAttemptedLaunchCode != nil) { var code = lastAttemptedLaunchCode! println("Launch Code Entered: \(code)") } Declare an optional variable var lastAttemptedLaunchCode: String? // initialized to nil lastAttemptedLaunchCode = "123456" // {Some "123456"} explicit unwrapping
  19. Optionals Optional binding can be used in an `if let`

    statement to conditionally and implicitly unwrapped and assign its value if let code = lastAttemptedLaunchCode { println("Launch Code Entered: \(code)") }
  20. Collections • Two built-in collection types: Arrays and Dictionaries •

    Homogeneous • Mutable and immutable varieties • Declared using let/var • Implement the Sequence Protocol
  21. Arrays Immutable Array Literal let dataSample: [Double] = [1.2, 4.32,

    6.7, 7.22, 9.01] let samples: [[Double]] = [[1.9, 3.2, 4.5], [6.0], dataSample] // [[1.9, 3.2, 4.5], [6.0], [1.2, 4.32, 6.7, 7.22, 9.01]] samples.count // 3 dataSample.sorted(>) // [9.01, 7.22, 6.7, 4.32, 1.2]
  22. Arrays Mutable Concatenate another Array languages += ["Common Lisp", "Smalltalk",

    "Ruby"] // ["Forth", "Common Lisp", "Smalltalk", "Ruby"] Initialize var languages: [String] = [] Append a value languages.append("Forth") // ["Forth"]
  23. Dictionaries Immutable Dictionary Literal let phoneMarketShareApril = ["Apple": 41.4, "Samsung":

    27.0, "LG": 6.7, "Motorola": 6.4, "HTC": 5.4] Looking up a Key always returns an Optional let appleMarketShare: Double? = phoneMarketShareApril["Apple"] // {Some 41.4}
  24. Dictionaries Mutable (all the way down) Mutate the value of

    a key, in place languageInfluences["Swift"]!.append("Ruby") // ["Swift": ["Objective-C", "Rust", "Haskell", "D", "Python", "Scala", "C#", "CLU", "Ruby"]] Initialize var languageInfluences: [String: [String]] = [:] Add a Key/Value languageInfluences["Swift"] = ["Objective-C", "Rust", "Haskell", "D", "Python", "Scala", "C#", "CLU"] // ["Swift": ["Objective-C", "Rust", "Haskell", "D", "Python", "Scala", "C#", "CLU"]]
  25. Branching if/else, no surprises if/else, Conditions must evaluate to `true`

    or `false` if condition { statements ... } else if condition { statements ... } else { yup ... }
  26. Branching Case statements can switch on more than Integers let

    command = "launch" switch command { case "launch", "l": println("Fire the missiles!") case "abort", "a": println("Aborting launch, just kidding! Launch!") default: println("Did you mean: launch?") }
  27. Branching Case pattern matching let rgb = (50, 50, 255)

    switch rgb { case (0, 255, 0): println("green") case (255, 255, _) println("shade of yellow") case (let r, 0, 0): println("Just red with a value of \(r)") case let (r, g, b) where r == g && g == b: println("shade of grey") default: println("Some other color") }
  28. Iteration All the usual suspects for assignments; condition; increment {

    statements... } while condition { statements... } do { } while true for item in collection { statements... }
  29. Iteration For Each Destructuring let coordinates = [(3, 4), (8,

    2), (3, 9)] for (x, y) in coordinates { println("x: \(x), y: \(y)") }
  30. Functions and Closures • Functions are first-class • Functions can

    be nested • Optional external parameter names 
 (like Objective-C) • All Functions (in Swift) are Closures
  31. Functions and Closures Declaration Function func name(arg1: Type, arg2: Type

    ...) -> ReturnType { Statements... return ofReturnType } Closure { (arg1: Type, arg2: Type ...) -> ReturnType in Statements... }
  32. Functions Simple Function func factorial(num: Int) -> Int { var

    acc = 1 for n in 1...num { acc *= n } return acc } factorial(5) // 120
  33. Functions Functions are first-class let myFunc = factorial myFunc(12) //

    479,001,600 let incrementByTwo = { (n:Int) -> Int in n + 2 }
  34. Functions Higher Order Functions Function that makes a function/closure as

    an argument func iterate(value: Int, iterations: Int,fn: ((Int) -> Int)) -> Int { var acc = value for _ in 0 ..< iterations { acc = fn(acc) } return acc } Pass a Function as an argument iterate(50, 25, incrementByTwo) // 100
  35. Functions Higher Order Functions Pass a Function, inline iterate(2, 5,

    {n in n * 3}) // 486 Trailing Closure syntactic sugar iterate(2, 5) { n in n * 3 } // 486
  36. Functions Higher Order Functions let quuux = [1, 2, 5,

    4, 3] Double each value using map let doubled = quuux.map({n in n * 2}) // [2, 4, 10, 8, 6] Get only even Ints using filter let evens = quuux.filter({$0 % 2 == 0}) // [2, 4] Get the sum of the Ints in the array using reduce let sum = quuux.reduce(0, +) // 15
  37. Closures Functions are Closures Function that returns a Closure func

    makeIdGenerator(prefix: String, startNum: Int) -> (() -> String){ var id = startNum return { () -> String in prefix + "\(id++)" } } let genId = makeIdGenerator("widget", 5) genId() // "widget5" genId() // "widget6" genId() // "widget7"
  38. Functions Multiple Return Values Function that returns a tuple func

    minMaxInt(a:[Int]) -> (min: Int, max: Int) { var currentMin = Int.max var currentMax = Int.min for i in a { currentMin = min(currentMin, i) currentMax = max(currentMax, i) } return (min: currentMin, max: currentMax) }
  39. Functions Multiple Return Values let myArray = [5, 4, 8,

    12, 100, 765, -45, 3] let minMaxResult = minMaxInt(myArray) minMaxResult.min // -45 minMaxResult.min // 765 let (arrayMin, arrayMax) = minMaxInt(myArray) arrayMin // -45 arrayMax // 765
  40. Functions External Parameter Names func polarToCartesian(radius r:Double, angle a:Double) ->

    (x: Double, y: Double) { let angleRadians = a * pi / 180 return (x: r * cos(angleRadians), y: r * sin(angleRadians)) } external names let cartesianCoordinates = polarToCartesian(radius: 7.2, angle: 25) cartesianCoordinates.x // 6.52541718811894 cartesianCoordinates.y // 3.04284907956374 let (xCoordinate, yCoordinate) = polarToCartesian(radius: 7.2, angle: 25)
  41. Functions External Parameter Names Same external and internal parameter names

    func greeter(#firstName: String, #lastName: String) { println("Hello \(firstName) \(lastName)!") } greeter(firstName: "Swift", lastName: "User") // Hello Swift User!
  42. Enumerations Enumerations are first class enum HTTPMethod { case POST,

    PUT, PATCH, GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT } let anHTTPMethod = HTTPMethod.POST var anotherHTTPMethod: HTTPMethod anotherHTTPMethod = .OPTIONS
  43. Enumerations Enumeration types can have a raw value type Enumeration

    with a raw type of Int enum HTTPCode: Int { case OK = 200 case Created = 201 case Accepted = 202 case MovedPermanently = 301 case BadRequest = 400 case Unauthorized = 401 case NotFound = 404 case IAmATeapot = 418 }
  44. Enumerations Enumeration types can have a raw value type Converting

    an Enum value to its raw representation let responseDict = ["status": HTTPCode.IAmATeapot.toRaw(), "body": "short and stout"] Note: Because I created a Dictionary with multiple keyval types, Swift's type inference inferred it as having a type [String: AnyObject?] Enumeration with a raw type of Int enum HTTPCode: Int { case OK = 200 case Created = 201 case Accepted = 202 case MovedPermanently = 301 case BadRequest = 400 case Unauthorized = 401 case NotFound = 404 case IAmATeapot = 418 }
  45. Enumerations Enumeration types can have a raw value type if

    let code = responseCode { switch code { case .OK, .Created, .Accepted: println("Success! ") case .BadRequest, .Unauthorized, .NotFound: println("Something went wrong, ") case .IAmATeapot: println("Wtf? ") default: println("Something else happened... ") } } Creating an Enum form its raw representation (always returns an optional) let responseCode: HTTPCode? = HTTPCode.fromRaw(418) Enumeration with a raw type of Int enum HTTPCode: Int { case OK = 200 case Created = 201 case Accepted = 202 case MovedPermanently = 301 case BadRequest = 400 case Unauthorized = 401 case NotFound = 404 case IAmATeapot = 418 }
  46. Enumerations Sequential raw values are implicit enum OSILayer: Int {

    case DataLink = 1, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application } if let layer = OSILayer.fromRaw(5) { layer == OSILayer.Presentation // true }
  47. Enumerations Associated Values of any type enum LaunchCode { case

    SixDigit(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) case Complex(String) // assume alphanumeric } var lc: LaunchCode? lc = .SixDigit(4, 8, 6, 7, 7, 2) switch lc! { case .SixDigit: println("Can be cracked in \(10e6 / 2) attempts, on average") case .Complex(let passcode): println("Can be cracked in \(pow(36.0, Double(countElements(passcode))))") }
  48. Structures and Classes • Structures are Value Types (and therefore

    passed by value) • Classes are Reference Types • Structure and Class methods *are* functions that close over the Structure or Class instance variables • Fundamental Types in Swift are built from Structures (e.g., Arrays, Dictionaries, etc.)
  49. Structures Structure declaration Simple struct declaration struct HistInt { var

    value: Int let maxHistoryLength: Int var history: [Int] } If you don't provide an initializer, a default initializer is generated with named parameters let myHistInt = HistInt(value: 3, maxHistoryLength: 5, history: []) Note: This is an immutable struct (i.e., cannot set `value`, because the HistInt instance is assigned to a constant)
  50. Structures Implementing an initializer With a basic initializer (you must

    initialize all uninitialized lets/vars) struct HistInt2 { var value: Int let maxHistoryLength:Int var history:[Int] = [] init(initialValue: Int, maxHistoryLength: Int) { self.value = initialValue self.maxHistoryLength = maxHistoryLength history = [] } }
  51. Structures Advanced struct HistInt3 { let maxHistoryLength:Int private var history:[Int]

    = [] var value: Int { willSet(newVal) { if (history.count == maxHistoryLength) { history.removeAtIndex(0) history.append(value) } else { history.append(value) } } } var historyLength:Int { get { return history.count } } init(initialValue: Int, maxHistoryLength: Int) { value = initialValue self.maxHistoryLength = maxHistoryLength history = [] } func calcAverage() -> Double { return history.reduce(0.0, {$0 + Double($1)}) / Double(history.count) } mutating func resetHistory() { history = [] } } instance methods Computed Property Property with Observer Property with Access Modifier
  52. Structures Let's test it! struct HistInt3 { let maxHistoryLength:Int private

    var history:[Int] = [] var value: Int { willSet(newVal) { if (history.count == maxHistoryLength) { history.removeAtIndex(0) history.append(value) } else { history.append(value) } } } var historyLength:Int { get { return history.count } } init(initialValue: Int, maxHistoryLength: Int) { value = initialValue self.maxHistoryLength = maxHistoryLength history = [] } func calcAverage() -> Double { return history.reduce(0.0, {$0 + Double($1)}) / Double(history.count) } mutating func resetHistory() { history = [] } } var myHistInt3 = HistInt3(initialValue: 5, maxHistoryLength: 4) myHistInt3.value = 2 myHistInt3.value = 7 myHistInt3.value = 12 myHistInt3.value = 1 myHistInt3.calcAverage() // 6.5
  53. Structures Subscripts subscript(index: Int) -> Int? { get { if

    history.count > index { return history[index] } else { return nil } } } myHistInt3[2]! // 7
  54. Classes Declaration class Task: ListItem, Completable { var name, description:

    String var completed = false let createdDate: NSDate var dueDate: NSDate? init(name: String, withDescription aDescription: String, andDueDate aDate: NSDate?) { self.createdDate = NSDate() // now self.name = name self.description = aDescription self.dueDate = aDate } convenience init(name: String, withDescription aDescription: String) { self.init(name: name, withDescription:aDescription, andDueDate:nil) } func sync() { println("Does not support synchronization with a server") } } Protocols Convenience initializer Designated initializer
  55. Classes Declaration Must initialize subclass vars before calling super.init class

    BugTask: Task { let relatedTask: Task? init(name: String, withDescription aDescription: String, andRelatedTask aTask: Task) { self.relatedTask = aTask super.init(name: name, withDescription: aDescription, andDueDate: nil) } override func sync() { // ... sync code here ;) } } override a superclass function
  56. Classes Instantiation let myTask = Task(name: "Swift Presentation", withDescription: "Coffee

    and Code", andDueDate:date) let myBug = BugTask(name: "Slide code compilation error", withDescription: "code on slide 34 does not compile", andRelatedTask: myTask) let date:NSDate? = { var dateComponents = NSDateComponents() dateComponents.year = 2014 dateComponents.month = 10 dateComponents.day = 21 dateComponents.hour = 0 dateComponents.minute = 0 dateComponents.second = 0 return NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateFromComponents(dateComponents) }()
  57. Protocols Define Interface Types Recall class Task: ListItem, Completable protocol

    ListItem { var name: String { get } } protocol Completable { var completed: Bool { get set } var dueDate: NSDate? { get set } func sync() }
  58. Protocols Define Interface Types Add objects conforming to ListItem to

    an array of type [ListItem] var myListItems:[ListItem] = [myTask, myBug] Iterate over ListItems for item in myListItems { println(item.name) } // Swift Presentation // Slide code compilation error
  59. Extensions Add properties and methods to existing Types Extend the

    ListItem Protocol to Strings extension String: ListItem { var name: String { return self } } var anotherTask = "Drink more coffee" anotherTask.name // "Drink more coffee myListItems.append(anotherTask)
  60. Optional Chaining Navigate properties, methods, and subscripts that might return

    Optionals let myThings = ["bugs": [myBug]] if let myBugs = myThings["bugs"] { if let bug = myBugs.first { if let relatedTask = bug.relatedTask { if let dueDate = relatedTask.dueDate { println("\(dueDate)") } } } }
  61. Optional Chaining Navigate properties, methods, and subscripts that might return

    Optionals if let dueDate = myThings["bugs"]?.first?.relatedTask?.dueDate { println("\(dueDate)") }
  62. Generics Parametric Polymorphism func iterate<T>(value: T, iterations: Int, fn: (T

    -> T)) -> T { var acc = value for _ in 0 ..< iterations { acc = fn(acc) } return acc }
  63. There's more! Automatic Reference Counting Operator Overloading Custom Operators Objective-C

    Interop Lazy initialization Lazy initialization Nested Types Modules Associated Types Safe Type Casting / Downcasting Delegation Deinitialization Type Constraints