57 2020 サービスローンチ以来、2週間に1回のペースで 新機能、機能改善のリリースを継続 Pace of innovation 43 SORACOM Air SORACOM Beam and updates.. SORACOM Canal SORACOM Direct SORACOM Door SORACOM Endorse SORACOM Funnel SORACOM Gate SORACOM Harvest Service launched in EU and updates.. SORACOM Air for LoRaWAN SORACOM Air for Sigfox SORACOM Inventory SORACOM Junction SORACOM IoT SIM eSIM and updates.. plan-K plan-KM1 LTE for IoT SIM SORACOM Krypton SORACOM Lagoon SORACOM LTE-M Button powered by AWS SORACOM LTE-M Button for Enterprise and updates.. SORACOM LTE-M Button for Enterprise Plus Unified Endpoint plan-DU SORACOM Harvest Files SORACOM Napter plan-KM1 Location info AWS Market Place Local Break Out S+ Camera Tech. preview GPS MultiUnit SORACOM Edition and updates.. plan-D support LTE-M Soracom Mobile Subscription Container VPG in rendezvous point SORACOM Orbit SORACOM Peek VPG Type E and F S+ Camera Public beta S+ Smart Notification Professional Services Engineering Services SORACOM IoT Store Event Handler on console s1.4xfast for plan-D/plan-K IAM role cred. for EventHandler action Cell location API Smart configuration for LTE-M Button and updates.. SORACOM Arc plan-D D300MB S+ Camera Basic Smart Edition iSIM (Tech. Preview) Priority Support Diagnostics Lagoon v2 S+ Camera Waterproof Peek for SIM S+ Camera Wi-fi Integ. SORACOM Arc IPv6 Support and updates.. 2021