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Hardening Applications with Property Tests

Hardening Applications with Property Tests

Property testing is a tool that every Elixir developer should have in their toolbox. Come learn how property tests can thoroughly test a problem space and make bulletproof software. We'll look at properties pulled from the Oban background job processor.

Some examples we'll explore:

* Proving a CRON parser
* Checking concurrent uniqueness
* Transitioning between migrations
* Proving system reliability

You'll leave armed with the ability to recognize situations where properties are more effective than example based tests.

Parker Selbert

June 19, 2020

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  1. Properties Aspects of code that hold for a set of

    randomized test data Functions that dynamically generate infinite streams of data Generators
  2. property "inserted jobs are executed at least once" do check

    all jobs <- list_of(job()) do for %{id: id, args: %{"ref" => ref}} <- Oban.insert_all(jobs) do assert_receive {:ok, ^ref} assert %{attempt: 1, attempted_at: %DateTime{}} = Repo.get(Job, job.id) end end end
  3. property "inserted jobs are executed at least once" do check

    all jobs <- list_of(job()) do for %{id: id, args: %{"ref" => ref}} <- Oban.insert_all(jobs) do assert_receive {:ok, ^ref} assert %{attempt: 1, attempted_at: %DateTime{}} = Repo.get(Job, job.id) end end end
  4. defp job do gen all queue <- member_of(~w(alpha beta gamma

    delta)), ref <- integer() do Job.new(%{ref: ref}, queue: queue, worker: Worker) end end
  5. property "inserted jobs are executed at least once" do check

    all jobs <- list_of(job()) do for %{id: id, args: %{"ref" => ref}} <- Oban.insert_all(jobs) do assert_receive {:ok, ^ref} assert %{attempt: 1, attempted_at: %DateTime{}} = Repo.get(Job, job.id) end end end
  6. 1) property inserted jobs are executed at least once (Oban.ExecutingTest)

    Failed with generated values (after 13 successful runs): * Clause: jobs <- list_of(job()) Generated: [#Ecto.Changeset<valid?: true>] Assertion with == failed code: assert job.attempt == 1 left: 0 right: 1
  7. case job.state do "completed" -> assert job.completed_at "discarded" -> refute

    job.completed_at assert job.discarded_at "retryable" -> refute job.completed_at assert DateTime.compare(job.scheduled_at, DateTime.utc_now()) == :gt assert length(job.errors) > 0 assert [%{"attempt" => 1, "at" => _, "error" => _} | _] = job.errors "scheduled" -> refute job.completed_at assert DateTime.compare(job.scheduled_at, DateTime.utc_now()) == :gt assert job.max_attempts > 1 end
  8. case job.state do "completed" -> assert job.completed_at "discarded" -> refute

    job.completed_at assert job.discarded_at "retryable" -> refute job.completed_at assert DateTime.compare(job.scheduled_at, DateTime.utc_now()) == :gt assert length(job.errors) > 0 assert [%{"attempt" => 1, "at" => _, "error" => _} | _] = job.errors "scheduled" -> refute job.completed_at assert DateTime.compare(job.scheduled_at, DateTime.utc_now()) == :gt assert job.max_attempts > 1 end
  9. defp job do gen all queue <- member_of(~w(alpha beta gamma

    delta)), action <- member_of(~w(OK DISCARD ERROR EXIT FAIL SNOOZE)), max_attempts <- integer(1..20), ref <- integer() do args = %{ref: ref, action: action} opts = [queue: queue, max_attempts: max_attempts, worker: Worker] Job.new(args, opts) end end
  10. property "preventing multiple inserts” do check all args <- arg_map(),

    runs <- integer(2..5) do fun = fn -> unique_insert!(args) end ids = 1..runs |> Enum.map(fn _ -> Task.async(fun) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1) |> Enum.map(fn %Job{id: id} -> id end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.uniq() assert 1 == length(ids) end end
  11. property "preventing multiple inserts” do check all args <- arg_map(),

    runs <- integer(2..5) do fun = fn -> unique_insert!(args) end ids = 1..runs |> Enum.map(fn _ -> Task.async(fun) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1) |> Enum.map(fn %Job{id: id} -> id end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.uniq() assert 1 == length(ids) end end
  12. def arg_map, do: map_of(arg_key(), arg_val()) def arg_key, do: one_of([integer(), string(:ascii)])

    def arg_val, do: one_of([integer(), float(), string(:ascii), list_of(integer())])
  13. property "preventing multiple inserts” do check all args <- arg_map(),

    runs <- integer(2..5) do fun = fn -> unique_insert!(args) end ids = 1..runs |> Enum.map(fn _ -> Task.async(fun) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1) |> Enum.map(fn %Job{id: id} -> id end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.uniq() assert 1 == length(ids) end end
  14. defmodule UniqueWorker do use Oban.Worker, unique: [period: 30] @impl Worker

    def perform(_job), do: :ok end defp unique_insert!(args, opts \\ []) do args |> UniqueWorker.new(opts) |> Oban.insert!() end
  15. property "preventing multiple inserts” do check all args <- arg_map(),

    runs <- integer(2..5) do fun = fn -> unique_insert!(args) end ids = 1..runs |> Enum.map(fn _ -> Task.async(fun) end) |> Enum.map(&Task.await/1) |> Enum.map(fn %Job{id: id} -> id end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.uniq() assert 1 == length(ids) end end
  16. 1) property preventing multiple inserts (Oban.UniquenessTest) Failed with generated values

    (after 0 successful runs): * Clause: args <- arg_map() Generated: %{"" => 0} * Clause: runs <- integer(2..5) Generated: 2 Assertion with == failed code: assert 1 == length(ids) left: 1 right: 4
  17. 3 generators
 1 property test 2+ concurrent inserts 0 reported†

    bugs † if you don’t count that prefix thing…
  18. @base_migration 100_000
 @current_version 8 
 property "migrating up and down

    between arbitrary versions" do check all up <- integer(1..@current_version), down <- integer(1..(@current_version - 1)) do Application.put_env(:oban, :up_version, up) Application.put_env(:oban, :down_version, down) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.up(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.down(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) clear_migrated() end end
  19. @base_migration 100_000
 @current_version 8 
 property "migrating up and down

    between arbitrary versions" do check all up <- integer(1..@current_version), down <- integer(1..(@current_version - 1)) do Application.put_env(:oban, :up_version, up) Application.put_env(:oban, :down_version, down) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.up(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.down(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) clear_migrated() end end
  20. defmodule StepMigration do use Ecto.Migration def up do up_version =

    Application.get_env(:oban, :up_version) Oban.Migrations.up(version: up_version) end def down do down_version = Application.get_env(:oban, :up_version) 
 Oban.Migrations.down(version: down_version) end end
  21. 1) property migrating up and down between arbitrary versions (Oban.MigratingTest)

    Failed with generated values (after 1 successful run): * Clause: up <- integer(2..current_version()) Generated: 8 * Clause: down <- integer(1..current_version() - 1) Generated: 1 got exception: ** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42P07 (duplicate_table) relation already exists
  22. @base_migration 100_000
 @current_version 8 
 property "migrating up and down

    between arbitrary versions" do check all up <- integer(1..@current_version), down <- integer(1..(@current_version - 1)) do Application.put_env(:oban, :up_version, up) Application.put_env(:oban, :down_version, down) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.up(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.down(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) clear_migrated() end end
  23. iex> length(for x <- 1..8, y <- 1..7, do: {x,

    y}) 56 ⏲ How many permutations are there?
  24. @base_migration 100_000
 @current_version 8 
 test "migrating up and down

    between arbitrary versions" do for up <- 1..@current_version, down <- 1..(@current_version - 1) do Application.put_env(:oban, :up_version, up) Application.put_env(:oban, :down_version, down) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.up(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) assert :ok = Ecto.Migrator.down(Repo, @base_migration, StepMigration) clear_migrated() end end
  25. Barrier to Adoption •We depend on periodic jobs… •Periodic jobs

    depends on unique jobs… •Unique jobs shipped…
  26. * 0-5,*/3 7-14 */2 MON,TUE “At every minute past every

    hour from 0 through 5 and every 3rd hour on every day-of-month from 7 through 14 and on Monday and Tuesday in every 2nd month”
  27. property "literal values and aliases are parsed" do check all

    minutes <- expression(), hours <- integer(0..23), days <- integer(1..31), months <- months(), weekdays <- weekdays(), spaces <- spaces() do spacing = :erlang.iolist_to_binary(spaces) [minutes, hours, days, months, weekdays] |> Enum.join(spacing) |> Cron.parse!() end end
  28. property “valid cron expressions are parsed" do check all minutes

    <- expression(), hours <- integer(0..23), days <- integer(1..31), months <- months(), weekdays <- weekdays(), spaces <- spaces() do spacing = :erlang.iolist_to_binary(spaces) [minutes, hours, days, months, weekdays] |> Enum.join(spacing) |> Cron.parse!() end end
  29. defp months do one_of([integer(1..12), constant("JAN"), ...]) end defp weekdays do

    one_of([integer(0..6), constant("MON"), ...]) end defp spaces do list_of(one_of([constant(" "), constant("\t")]), min_length: 1) end
  30. defp expression do one_of([ constant("*"), map(integer(1..59), &"*/#{&1}"), map(integer(1..58), &"#{&1}-#{&1 +

    1}"), map(integer(1..57), &"#{&1}-#{&1 + 2}/2"), list_of(integer(0..59), length: 1..10) ]) end
  31. property "literal values and aliases are parsed" do check all

    minutes <- integer(0..59), hours <- integer(0..23), days <- integer(1..31), months <- months(), weekdays <- weekdays(), spaces <- spaces() do spacing = :erlang.iolist_to_binary(spaces) [minutes, hours, days, months, weekdays] |> Enum.join(spacing) |> Cron.parse!() end end
  32. 1) property valid expressions and aliases are parsed (Oban.CronTest) **

    (ExUnitProperties.Error) failed with generated values (after 1 successful run): * Clause: minutes <- integer(0..59) Generated: 44 * Clause: hours <- integer(0..23) Generated: 14 * Clause: days <- integer(1..31) Generated: 5 * Clause: months <- months() Generated: "JUL" * Clause: weekdays <- weekdays() Generated: 0 * Clause: spaces <- spaces() Generated: [" ", " "] got exception: ** (ArgumentError) expected string "*" or ASCII character in the range '0' to '9'...
  33. test "parsing expressions that are out of bounds fails" do

    invalid_expressions = [ "60 * * * *", "* 24 * * *", "* * 32 * *", "* * * 13 *", "* * * * 7", "*/0 * * * *", "ONE * * * *", "* * * jan *", "* * * * sun" ] for expression <- invalid_expressions, do: assert_unparsable(expression) end defp assert_unparsable(expression) do assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> Cron.parse!(expression) end end