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OpenStack from 10,000ft

OpenStack from 10,000ft

A lightning talk I whipped up for PyCon IE 2022.

Stephen Finucane

November 12, 2022

More Decks by Stephen Finucane

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 6 key services… Nova (Compute) Neutron (Networking) Glance (Images) Cinder

    (Volumes) Keystone (Identity) Placement (Resource tracking)
  2. …and loads of others Swift (Object storage) * Designate (DNS)

    Ironic (Bare metal) Barbican (Key manager) Cyborg (Accelerators) …
  3. Couple of common design features Python 3 Traditional relational databases

    (MySQL) Message queues (RabbitMQ) They wrap other things
  4. Couple of common design features Python 3 Traditional relational databases

    (MySQL) Message queues (RabbitMQ) They wrap other things Bad upgrades, worse documentation :( (though way better than before)
  5. How do I get an OpenStack? Public cloud provider Private

    cloud provider (i.e. work) r/homelab / DIY
  6. How do I use an OpenStack? Horizon OSC (openstackclient) openstacksdk

    / Gophercloud Ansible Terraform ⭐ Kubernetes ⭐
  7. ❯ pip install openstackclient # ...or... ❯ sudo dnf install

    python-openstackclient # ...or... ❯ sudo apt install python-openstackclient
  8. ❯ openstack server create ... ❯ openstack network create ...

    ❯ openstack image create ... ❯ openstack volume create ... ❯ openstack project create ...
  9. ❯ pip install openstacksdk # ...or... ❯ sudo dnf install

    python-openstacksdk # ...or... ❯ sudo apt install python-openstacksdk
  10. import openstack # Initialize and turn on debug logging openstack.enable_logging(debug=True)

    # Initialize connection conn = openstack.connect(cloud='devstack') # List the servers for server in conn.compute.servers(): print(server.to_dict()) hello_openstack.py