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Code & Coffee Allhands - January 2023

Steve Chen
January 01, 2023

Code & Coffee Allhands - January 2023

Steve Chen

January 01, 2023


  1. T-Shirts have arrived! 1. Using prior t-shirt sizing and address

    form. 2. Next week: Steve will begin to package and ship these with stickers & resource cards 3. Action item: Be on the lookout for Steve to tag an organizer on Discord. Will be hand-delivered for NYC and DC/MD/VA Resource Card(Draft in #marketing)
  2. Results - 17 RSVPs… 1 attendee Theoretical conclusions - Virtual

    events are still and will likely always will be unpopular, not a focus for 2023. - We can still cross-promote other groups and sponsors on Discord/Meetup! - Weekend conflicts Next Steps - Austin Code & Coffee to try workshop in-person
  3. Does your group have a talk? - Submit or Request

    a talk in the Speaking repo on Github https://github.com/CodeandCoffeeCommunity/speaking/issues - #speaking channel on Discord
  4. Organizational Partners - Financial These partnerships equal: 1. Sustainability -

    Meetup.com Organizer Fees - Website & Domain Fees - Business Insurance 2. Unified branding a. US C&C t-shirts b. Stickers c. Resource cards 3. Small budget for larger team-building events
  5. Discord Updates - #career-help - Forum Channel for general developer

    career advice. - #content-share - Re-tweet/Post content you want to be seen for C&C. We’re all in this together!