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Pitch to Backend Capital - September 2021

Steve Chen
September 01, 2021

Pitch to Backend Capital - September 2021

Pitched Code & Coffee to Backend Capital's HF0. Didn't get in due to not being a technical product.

Steve Chen

September 01, 2021


  1. The Code & Coffee Company A long-term solution for developers

    to collaborate leading to the hacker renaissance
  2. Mission and Purpose - Mission - “Bringing developers together” -

    Purpose - Provide a free, safe, and friendly coworking/hacking space that facilitates developers meeting other developers on a consistent existing basis
  3. The Problem \\ - Hiring Software Developers is one of

    the most time-consuming costly things tech companies do - the Code & Coffee company compliments the recruiting pipeline at low cost and builds community
  4. The Problem(extended) - Senior executives report Access to developers is

    a bigger threat to success than access to capital (The Developer Coefficient, 2018) - In 2020, Coding bootcamps are predicted to graduate 25,000 students with a 306% growth in online bootcamps, their career services still are not providing decent networking events Secondarily - MANY smaller and inconsistent “Code & Coffee” groups all across the US - Passionate self-taught devs and bootcamp graduates are desperate for adequate careers - Meetup groups run by individuals have their own self-interest and often inconsistent - The emotional isolation that comes with software development - Most major cities do not have a centralized consistent tech presence
  5. Solution - Establish “The Code & Coffee Company” 1. Start

    “Miami Code & Coffee” group then start C&C company(website, social media) 2. Host 2 events weekly(as opposed to typical 1 bi-weekly) 3. Measure results, do experiments, gather quantitative and qualitative data 4. Start groups in other major cities - website, social media, meetup.com/FB event presence 5. Find dedicated volunteers, offer them opportunities. Repeat Step 3-5 6. ???* (Build a team, or pivot) 7. Consolidate the groups. Expansion to tier-2 US cities to save the economy in 2030 BOLD indicates goals for 3 month residency:
  6. Numbers from past events - https://i.imgur.com/7kLMXTr_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand - ~50-70% showed up

    pre-pandemic. Est. 90% post-pandemic - Over 60% were new attendees - Currently sitting at 3.0k members with no issues sourcing sponsors - Grows an estimated 50-200 after each event - $0 marketing spend
  7. Why this Works Currently - Incentives - For businesses, they

    sponsor C & C with their space and for coffee/pastries(<$100s per event) - Sponsorship comes with exposure and direct contact to highly passionate devs of all levels - Currently low cost - For developers, they do whatever they want. Working on their own projects, meet new people based off the standup, job chats, and making friends. - It’s communal, informal, diverse
  8. How this works currently Duties include: - Connecting people w/

    same goals - Chatting about sponsor - Actively making sure everyone is comfortable/set
  9. Business/Sponsor/Customer perspective The Happy Path: 1. A developer finds out

    about C&C from another tech meetup, bootcamp, word of mouth, or directly relating to interests on meetup.com 2. They attend the Code & Coffee meetup, hear about a dev job at a said tech company, the attendee asks that developer directly about the role, and gets a reference to that company 3. Attendees enjoy the free coffee, pastries, and chat with fellow devs that have experience similar feelings - relieving feelings of isolation and becoming involved in the centralized meetup of the tech community
  10. - Automation is forcing millions of people out of traditional

    jobs forcing career changes - From my experiences, career changers are not comfortable with: - with networking with experienced developers at meetups - attending programming specific events with a language/framework they never used - Ownership of the inactive 2.6k SF Code & Coffee group - lets get it going! - Coding bootcamps still do not host useful networking events(low attendance rate, weirdly non-inclusive), most are actually down to host for free Why now? The average bootcamper has 7 years of work experience, has at least a Bachelor’s degree, and has never worked as a programmer
  11. The Founder - Steve - This venture is his self-actualized

    desire - enjoys building communities - Understands the long hard work that is required and has done so in a smaller scale - Understand the vacancies of the Miami tech scene - As the son of chinese immigrants of a 25 y/o carryout, is willing to take proven concepts then execute long-term - Works in tech predominantly with Series A-C startups directly learning from their mistakes