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Building THRIVING Meetups

Steve Chen
July 20, 2024

Building THRIVING Meetups

Now with less slides, more fun. Given at DevRelCon NY 2024.

Steve Chen

July 20, 2024


  1. Building THRIVING Meetups Principles, Prescriptions, Power by Steve Chen Executive

    Director & Founder at Code & Coffee Head of Community & Developer Relations at Sift AI
  2. My Journey 1 2016 College dropout, self-taught coding, became a

    dev 2 2017 3 meetups per week, started DC Code & Coffee meetup 3 2020 3 meetupshikes per week, became an Quality Engineer 4 2021 Founded NYC Code & Coffee, drove 10 hours every 2 weeks. 5 2022 Grew C&C from 1 to 6 cities, officially became a DevRel 🥑 had #100chats 6 2023 Expanded to 25 cities, created Code & Coffee 501c3
  3. In 2023: • 368 events per year (One event per

    day!) • 55 talks • <$6,000 yearly spend
  4. Code & Coffee Meetup ( Today ) Mission Facilitating space

    for developers to make friends and grow. Reach 35 US cities 50,000+ meetup members 200+ volunteers 40+ local leaders Format Monthly & bi-weekly In-Person Impact 368 events per year $200,000 in scholarships to career changers. $25,000 grant by Hinge to address loneliness epidemic.
  5. Understanding Community Fan Communities Followers, Subreddits, Social Media audiences Neighborhood

    Communities HOA, Neighborhood pool clubs, apartments. Learning & Growth Communities Colleges, Schools, classes, study groups Social Communities Meetups, User groups, Networking groups, etc.
  6. Belonging Defined Boundaries "Anyone that types into and IDE." Encourage

    Contribution Volunteering, talks, or code. Intro Circle Spark organic conversations.
  7. Trust Set expectations Bi-weekly or Monthly events Feedback Loops Listen

    and implement suggestions Consistent Alignment Meetup event, group description, branding
  8. Safety Code of Conduct Establish and enforce clear guidelines. Accessible

    Venues Near transit, open interactions, and quiet areas. Social default Create comfortable, low-pressure environments.
  9. 3 Principles of Community Belonging Trust Feeling accepted and valued

    within the community ✅ Define community boundaries ✅ Encourage contribution ✅ Set up community rituals Safety Creating a secure environment for all members ✅ Enforce/Establish CoC ✅ Use accessible venues ✅ Default social > talks Building reliability and integrity in relationships through consistency ✅ Set Expectations ✅ Create Feedback Channels ✅ Align
  10. Community-Led vs. Company-Led Meetups Community-Led • Group incentives • Less

    structure • Grassroots Volunteer-driven • Less resources • Longer-term focused Company-Led • Business objective incentives • More structure • Top-down company driven • More resources • Shorter-term focused
  11. Power: Public-Private SponsorPartnerships Shared Goals Over 50 partners providing resources

    and support Venues Open venues for safe, accessible gatherings Resources Coffee, scholarships, swag. Sustainability 🤝 Resilience = Success
  12. We NEED Meetups now Human Connection Natural need for belonging

    Less is more. Community Universally in demand. Screen time = Bad time
  13. Key Takeaways ✅ Belonging, Trust, Safety as guiding principles ✅

    Public-Private Partnerships to go further ✅ Focus on the true meaning of meeting up