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Code & Coffee Allhands - November 2022

Steve Chen
October 02, 2022

Code & Coffee Allhands - November 2022

3rd Allhands in C&C history. Our first of slide presentation!

Steve Chen

October 02, 2022


  1. Discord Name Updates Help our community members know who you

    are! Format: Real Name(CITY Organizer)
  2. Company Linkedin Page - Add Code & Coffee to your

    Volunteer(or regular) Experience section!
  3. Speakers Program (NYC & Virtual) - Led by Dana Lee.

    School principal & educator of 10+ years, can and will help applicants on talks. - Submit or Request a talk in the Speaking repo on Github https://github.com/CodeandCoffeeCommunity/speaking/issues - Upcoming virtual talk by Matt Ng on Anxiety over the holidays. To Be Announced on Discord events
  4. Swimm.io - A Docs for Developers Product Goal with this:

    Validate the B2B “brand awareness” driven business model. NYC Specific: - 2 speaking optional “Feature” events - Short copytext in event pages CodeandCoffee.Community Website: - Logo in “Sponsored by” Section
  5. Funds will exclusively be used for: - Meetup.com organizer subscriptions

    across all active C&C chapters for the next year. - Website fees - Branded C&C T-shirts, nametags, Resource Cards, Stickers, Shipping/Packaging costs involved.
  6. Action items (everyone): - Update Discord Name - Follow @USCodeCoffee

    on Twitter - Add Code & Coffee page to volunteer experience on LinkedIn