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Chef, Microsoft and Open Source - State of the ...

Chef, Microsoft and Open Source - State of the Nation

It's 2017 and 60% of all VMs started in the Azure cloud are Linux based, Microsoft are significant open source contributors and some products of theirs that you never expected to run cross-platform now do. We will explore some of these products and how they can be deployed, tested and managed using the Chef toolset.

Stuart Preston

February 06, 2017

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  1. About Stuart Preston @stuartpreston - Awesome Community Chef 2016 -

    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) - Open Source Contributor/Maintainer - Author “Using Chef with Microsoft Azure” (2016) - Artist formerly known as - Based in London, UK Joined Chef Product Team January 2017
  2. Windows Services for Linux (aka Bash on Ubuntu on Windows)

    • Windows feature that allows user mode Linux calls to execute on top of a Windows kernel. • Enabled as a Windows optional feature with a download of Ubuntu when you first execute “bash.exe” (avoid getting on a plane)
  3. Recent Chef and Windows improvements TL;DR - Test Kitchen supports

    reboots! https://discourse.chef.io/t/test-kitchen-1-10-0-released/8721 provisioner: name: chef_zero require_chef_omnibus: 12.11 # need the RFC 062 exit codes retry_on_exit_code: - 35 # 35 is the exit code signaling that the node is rebooting max_retries: 1 client_rb: exit_status: :enabled # Opt-in to the standardized exit codes client_fork: false # Forked instances don't return the real exit code
  4. Recent Chef and Windows improvements TL;DR - Chef Client for

    Nano Server .appx format installers (and WinRM improvements) http://www.hurryupandwait.io/blog/creating-a-docker-container-host-on-windows-nan o-server-with-chef - name: windowsnano driver_config: image_urn: MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2016-Nano-Server:latest transport: name: winrm provisioner: install_msi_url: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nano-chef-client/chef-12.14.60.appx
  5. Recent Chef and Windows improvements TL;DR - knife rehash -

    speed up slow knife loading time on Windows especially... http://grdnr.io/slow-knife-speed-up-with-knife-rehash/ PS C:\Users\spreston> knife rehash Knife subcommands are cached in C:/Users/spreston/.chef/plugin_manifest.json. Delete this file to disable the caching. - Windows installer includes Scheduled Task creation: https://docs.chef.io/windows.html msiexec /qn /i C:\inst\chef-client-12.4.3-1.windows.msi ADDLOCAL="ChefClientFeature,ChefSchTaskFeature,ChefPSModuleFeature"
  6. Recent Chef and Azure improvements TL;DR - Azure Resource Manager

    driver moved into the Test Kitchen organization https://github.com/test-kitchen/kitchen-azurerm Contributors are always welcome!
  7. CfgMgmtCamp Talks Tuesday • Main Track 14:00 - Operating Systems

    are Assholes • Future Tooling - 14:40 - Now That I Have Choreography, What Can I Do With It? • Chef Room- 14:00 - Shared Services is Not a Field of Dreams • Chef Room - 14:40 - CI/CD Workflows at Enterprise Sports Scale • Chef Room - 15:40 - How to get the most of Foreman and Chef • Main Track 16:20 - Food Fight Show
  8. Thanks! Email [email protected] Tweet @stuartpreston Give us feedback! https://feedback.chef.io Chef

    related talks this week: http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/schedule/chef.html