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Conclusion | Part 1 | ADHD Energy Recharge

Motherhood in ADHD
October 11, 2023

Conclusion | Part 1 | ADHD Energy Recharge

Motherhood in ADHD

October 11, 2023


  1. ADHD Energy Recharge Part 1 - Conclusion Wed, Oct 11,

    2023 10:13AM 3:32 SUMMARY KEYWORDS patterns, cycle, clues, breadcrumbs, energy, bed, trackable, creating, regulation, workshop, dive, blink, life, faces, week, awake, gallery, body, started, talking SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:02 So, given all this background information when we meet next Thursday for the workshop on energy election regulation, so we're gonna dive into like, Okay, what does this look like? Like, how do I set up my day for? You know, the things that makes sense for the times that like, I'm feeling more energetic, I'm in a low, you know, trying to wrap up before bed, if you're somebody who just is like, I have no more energy, I need to go to bed or for somebody who's like, I got all the energy and I need to learn how to turn my brain off. So I can go to sleep. When we look at like, Okay, what do we do about our cycles? How can we start to plan our lives around matching those the parts of our cycle that we're that you can track? I know not everyone has a trackable, predictable cycle. But there are just so many little details that our bodies give us that we are not aware of, if we haven't tried to look for them, these clues that we get like, I think back now, like I just, I mean it like I said, I've only been doing this cycle thinking for probably about two years. And granted, I'm 4141. Everyone would want 41 Nope, just math, right? Like, I wish I had understood this from when I started my cycle to when I turned 39 Probably when I started this, because I did not pick up on all the clues that my body was giving me as to where I was in my cycle. And I will go through, like what's the typical things that people see. But also like, for me, I don't follow all of those typical patterns. Exactly. So I don't want you to just blink at copy paste what I say about cycles, I want you to start to look for those little things that your body's telling you about what you need, so that you can start creating the pattern or creating patterns like noticing the patterns that are happening for you. So let me stop sharing my screen here so that I can see your faces. That's the Rosie that's why I like having someone here with me because then I can see your faces while I'm talking and not just the screen. Okay, gallery. Okay, so next week we'll dive into exactly what we can do to start creating our day to match our patterns. And but until then, you've got the next like week or so to look at. If you want to go back and listen to this or you want to look at a those resources I put on there to start thinking about for you what are the cycles and the patterns that you see. And even just now like knowing that this is like a thing to look for is that you'll start to notice the little patterns pop up, even just in the next week of like, huh? No so new, man, I'm like really tired after lunch. Like I really need a pick me up after lunch or like, oh, yeah, I mean, I put my kids in bed and I feel like I'm dead. And then about 30 minutes later, I can't fall asleep because I'm wide awake again. So when to start looking for those little clues,
  2. little breadcrumbs that exist in your life, so that you

    can start to put together these patterns because it's not something we can just magically know, in the next day or two. It is a pattern so we have to have enough data and enough clues along the way to start seeing them there.