New Rules) 2) (Examples 181)) ɹ(((2. Even Older Games) 14) (Examples 182)) ɹ(((3. What’s in a Name?) 32) (Proofs 183)) ɹ(((4. Part of This Total Breakfast) 42) (Proofs 184)) ɹ(((5. Think It Over, and Over, and Over) 58) (Proofs 185)) ɹ(((6. Think It Through) 76) (Proofs 187)) ɹ(((7. Oh My, Stars!) 88) (Proofs 188)) ɹ(((8. Learning the Rules) 106) (Proofs 192)) ɹ(((9. Changing the Rules) 114) (Proofs 193)) ɹ(((10. The Stars Are Aligned) 138) (Proofs 196)) ɹ((A. Recess) 164) ɹ((B. The Proof of the Pudding) 180) ɹ((C. The Little Assistant) 202) ɹ((D. Restless for More?) 216) ɹ(Afterword 221) ɹ(Index 222)) ← J-Bobͷ͍ํ ← J-BobΛͬͨূ໌ɻຊจͷશ෦ɻ ← J-Bobͷιʔείʔυɺղઆ͖ɻ ← ࢀߟॻͳͲ ← NotationɺରݴޠLispͷઆ໌ʢॏཁʣ ← Appendix.BͱͷରԠ