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[Android 11 Meetups] Google Play Commerce からのアッ...

August 25, 2020

[Android 11 Meetups] Google Play Commerce からのアップデート / Android 11 Meetups Google Play Commerce

Android 11 Meetupsの「アプリ配信と収益化」で発表した資料です。

Android 11 Meetups - JP

Android11 Meetups - アプリ配信と収益化


August 25, 2020

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  1. 定期購入に関する変更点 設定 現在 2020年11月1日以降 Account Hold デフォルト: OFF 必須 Restore

    デフォルト: ON 必須 Pause デフォルト: OFF デフォルト: ON Resubscribe(新機能) デフォルト: OFF デフォルト: ON
  2. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes SUBSCRIPTION_IN_

    GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間
  3. 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始 t1 t2 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions
  4. 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始 猶予期間 (サービスは継続利用可能) t1 t2 Is SKU returned

    in queryPurchases()? yes yes SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 t3 Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions
  5. 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始 猶予期間 (サービスは継続利用可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU

    returned in queryPurchases()? yes yes no 定期購入 自動キャンセル SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions
  6. t1 t2 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes Real-time Developer

    Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入
  7. 猶予期間 (サービスは継続利用可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes yes SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _ON_HOLD 継続課金に失敗 アカウントの一時停止開始 SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始
  8. 猶予期間 (サービスは継続利用可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes yes SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true アカウントの一時停止 (サービスは利用不可) expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true t4 no SUBSCRIPTION _ON_HOLD SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始 継続課金に失敗 アカウントの一時停止開始
  9. 猶予期間 (サービスは継続利用可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes yes no 定期購入 自動キャンセル SUBSCRIPTION_IN_ GRACE_PERIOD Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED アカウントの一時停止 (サービスは利用不可) expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 0 autoRenewing: true t4 no SUBSCRIPTION _ON_HOLD SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 継続課金に失敗 猶予期間開始 継続課金に失敗 アカウントの一時停止開始
  10. t1 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes Real-time Developer Notifications

    Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 t3
  11. 解約予約期間 (この間は復元可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes yes SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: false SUBSCRIPTION _EXPIRED SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 ユーザーが自発的に解約 (解約予約)
  12. 解約予約期間 (この間は復元可能) t1 t2 t3 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()?

    yes yes SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: false 定期購入解約 expiryTimeMillis: time of grace period end (t3) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: false no SUBSCRIPTION _EXPIRED SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 定期購入再購入 ユーザーが自発的に解約 (解約予約)
  13. 定期購入再購入 t1 Real-time Developer Notifications expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal

    (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes t4 Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions yes 定期購入再購入
  14. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 t4 SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications expiryTimeMillis:

    time of next renewal (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of subscription end (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: false SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes yes SUBSCRIPTION _EXPIRED 解約予約期間 (この間は復元可能) ユーザーが自発的に解約 (解約予約) no 定期購入解約 Fields in server API, Purchase.subscriptions
  15. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 t4 SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications Fields

    in server API, Purchase.subscriptions expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true expiryTimeMillis: time of subscription end (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: false SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 定期購入有効期間 Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? yes yes t3 SUBSCRIPTION _RESTARTED 解約予約を キャンセル SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t4) paymentState: 1 autoRenewing: true 解約予約期間 (この間は復元可能) ユーザーが自発的に解約 (解約予約) yes
  16. (定期購入の再開) • 解約予約した定期購入の有効期限が切れる前 ◦ アプリ内から定期購入を再開する ◦ Google Play Subscriptions Centerから定期

    購入を再開する(Restore) • 定期購入の有効期限が切れたあと ◦ Google Play Subscriptions Centerから最大1 年の間に同じSKUを再購入する
  17. 有効期限が切れたあと Billing Library 2+を使用している場合、ユー ザーは定期購入の有効期限が切れてから最大 1年間、Google Play Subscriptions Centerから 定期購入を再購入できる

    アプリの外部で行われるアプリ外購入となる サービス側でアプリ外購入を検知して、自社 サーバーで購入情報を処理できるようにしておく 必要がある
  18. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API,

    Purchase.subscription s expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? 定期購入 有効期間
  19. 定期購入再購入 t1 Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in server API, Purchase.subscription

    s expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? SUBSCRIPTION_PAUSE_ SCHEDULE_CHANGE 定期購入 一時停止予約 定期購入 有効期間 expiryTimeMillis: time of pause start (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: time of pause end (t3) t2 SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED 定期購入 一時停止開始
  20. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in

    server API, Purchase.subscription s expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a expiryTimeMillis: time of pause start (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: time of pause end (t3) SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t4) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a SUBSCRIPTION_PAUSE_ SCHEDULE_CHANGE 定期購入 一時停止予約 t3 定期購入 有効期間 一時停止 (サービスは利用不可) 定期購入 一時停止開始 定期購入 有効期間 SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED 一時停止終了 定期購入再購入
  21. 定期購入再購入 t1 t2 SUBSCRIPTION _CANCELED Real-time Developer Notifications Fields in

    server API, Purchase.subscription s expiryTimeMillis: time of next renewal (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a expiryTimeMillis: time of pause start (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: time of pause end (t3) SUBSCRIPTION _RENEWED Is SKU returned in queryPurchases()? expiryTimeMillis: time of pause start (t2) autoResumeTimeMillis: n/a SUBSCRIPTION_PAUSE_ SCHEDULE_CHANGE 定期購入 一時停止予約 t3 再購入に失敗 定期購入の一時停止終了 アカウントの一時停止開始 アカウントの一時停止 (サービスは利用不可) 定期購入の一時停止 (サービスは利用不可) 定期購入 一時停止開始 定期購入 有効期間 SUBSCRIPTION_ _ON_HOLD
  22. val params = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder() // Specify an obfuscated identifier to

    uniquely identify the // user’s account. .setObfuscatedAccountId(obfuscatedAccountId)
  23. val params = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder() // Specify an obfuscated identifier to

    uniquely identify the // user’s account. .setObfuscatedAccountId(obfuscatedAccountId) // Optionally, specify an obfuscated identifier to uniquely // identify the character profile with the user’s account. .setObfuscatedProfileId(obfuscatedProfileId)
  24. val params = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder() // Specify an obfuscated identifier to

    uniquely identify the // user’s account. .setObfuscatedAccountId(obfuscatedAccountId) // Optionally, specify an obfuscated identifier to uniquely // identify the character profile with the user’s account. .setObfuscatedProfileId(obfuscatedProfileId) billingClient.launchBillingFlow(activity, params.build())
  25. 要件 June 3 Nov. 1 Aug. 2 Nov. 1 Billing

    Library version requirements Billing Library 3 Launched New apps require Billing Library 3+ Updates require Billing Library 3+ 2020 2021
  26. June 3 Nov. 1 Aug. 2 Nov. 1 Billing Library

    version requirements Billing Library 3 Launched New apps require Billing Library 3+ Updates require Billing Library 3+ 2020 2021 All subscription apps require - Account hold - Restore By default, all subscription apps have - Pause - Resubscribe Subscription featurerequirem ents 要件