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[Glasgow] Platform Orchestrators: The Missing M...

October 17, 2024

[Glasgow] Platform Orchestrators: The Missing Middle of Internal Developer Platforms?

At PlatformCon 2022, I argued that developers building applications on Kubernetes today are being asked not just to code. They are also responsible for shipping and running their applications. We often talk about needing a Kubernetes “platform” to handle these responsibilities, but do we really need to build our own PaaS?

- Many organisations start their platform build with a developer portal, which provides success on day one (service catalogue and app scaffolding) but struggles with day two challenges (upgrades and patching).
- There appears to be a “missing middle” that manages the platform lifecycle in many implementations, which a “platform orchestrator” can address.
- Most organisations are not as unique as they think they are, but they need to codify their business processes into the platform to enable them to scale efficiently.


October 17, 2024

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  1. @danielbryantuk Platform Orchestrators: The Missing Middle of Internal Developer Platforms?

    Daniel Bryant | Platform Engineer | Head of Product Marketing @ Syntasso @danielbryantuk
  2. @danielbryantuk How do you build a platform? • Top-down, application

    developer-focused ◦ “The Backstage service catalog is fantastic, but the support for day 2 ops… not so muchˮ • Bottom-up, operations/infrastructure-focused ◦ “The Terraform workflow is fantastic, but infrastructure abstractions leak through to developers HCL, K8s, etc)ˮ • Middle-out, platform engineering-focused ◦ X-as-a-service, process automation, fleet management ◦ “Platform as a productˮ approach
  3. @danielbryantuk What is a platform, anyway? 🚉 A digital platform

    is a foundation of self-service APIs, tools, services, knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product. Autonomous delivery teams can make use of the platform to deliver product features at a higher pace, with reduced coordination. Evan Bottcher martinfowler.com/articles/talk-about-platforms.html
  4. @danielbryantuk Gartner: What is platform engineering? “Platform engineering improves developer

    experience and productivity by providing self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations. It is trending because of its promise to optimise the developer experience and accelerate product teamsʼ delivery of customer value.ˮ https://www.gartner.com/en/articles/what-is-platform-engineering
  5. @danielbryantuk Gartner: What is platform engineering? “Platform engineering improves developer

    experience and productivity by providing self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations. It is trending because of its promise to optimise the developer experience and accelerate product teamsʼ delivery of customer value.ˮ https://www.gartner.com/en/articles/what-is-platform-engineering
  6. @danielbryantuk Current software engineering challenges You want to overcome the

    following challenges: • Slow: Developers are blocked, waiting on tickets and other teams • Risky: Critical business processes are inconsistently applied • Inefficient: Tech sprawl leads to tech debt and operational overhead
  7. @danielbryantuk Current software engineering challenges You want to overcome the

    following challenges: • Slow: Developers are blocked, waiting on tickets and other teams • Risky: Critical business processes are inconsistently applied • Inefficient: Tech sprawl leads to tech debt and operational overhead 50% of respondents are capable of deploying less than “between once per week and once per month” Accelerate State of DevOps 2023 42% of developers say they can’t release code to production without risking failures Harness State of the DecEx 2024 Overall, 59% of IT pros are frustrated by the time spent on routine infrastructure activities and 84% agreed that they “could bring more value to their organization if they spent less time on routine tasks” HorizonIQ Report 2020
  8. @danielbryantuk What are the goals of your platform? • Go

    faster: Platform teams need to provide “everything as a serviceˮ to help rapidly and sustainably deliver value to end-users • Decrease risk: Teams need to automate manual processes in reusable components • Increase efficiency: You need to manage and scale your digital platform and resources as a fleet
  9. @danielbryantuk Top down, app developer-focused rollout “Backstage is my platform.

    Developers go here to spin up a new application, deploy it, and view metricsˮ ✅ Fantastic developer experience (and service catalog) ✅ Highly customisable ❌ Often a facade that calls a series of infrastructure APIs ❌ Day 2 (automation) aspects of the portal and plugins can be challenging
  10. @danielbryantuk “Terraform is my platform. I can orchestrate all of

    my infrastructure via HCL and cron jobs, and the GitOps pipelines automatically deploy applicationsˮ ✅ Everything-as-code ✅ Highly automatable ❌ Infrastructure abstractions leak outwards towards developers ❌ At scale, the diversity of tech can be challenging to automate/orchestrate Bottom up, operations-focused rollout
  11. @danielbryantuk Gartner: What is platform engineering? “Platform engineering improves developer

    experience and productivity by providing self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations. It is trending because of its promise to optimise the developer experience and accelerate product teamsʼ delivery of customer value.ˮ https://www.gartner.com/en/articles/what-is-platform-engineering
  12. @danielbryantuk Platforms: Abstract thinking • APIs, domains, SOLID/CUPID ◦ Just

    as important for platforms ◦ Think information hiding ◦ Build for progressive disclosure • Design for UI, CLI, & API ◦ Meet devs where they are at ◦ Optimise for automation syntasso.io/post/when-backstage-met-terraform-a nd-platform-orchestrators-webinar-recap
  13. @danielbryantuk Business requirements change, user expectations expand, APIs are at

    the core of sustainable platforms • Open Application Model (OAM) / Score • Kratix and Promises • KubeBuilder • Crossplane • Massdriver • … More user focused More implementation focused Platform abstractions (and APIs)
  14. @danielbryantuk Tech "stacks" are emerging • The “BACKˮ stack: Backstage,

    Argo, Crossplane, Kyverno • CNOE Framework: Cloud Native Operation Excellence • Kubefirst • DIY All the other CNCF tech++ • … More opinionated Less opinionated Platform automation (tech)
  15. @danielbryantuk What are the goals of your platform? • Go

    faster: Platform teams need to provide “everything as a serviceˮ to help rapidly and sustainably deliver value to end-users • Decrease risk: Teams need to automate manual processes in reusable components • Increase efficiency: You need to manage and scale your digital platform and resources as a fleet
  16. @danielbryantuk What gets measured, gets managed • Establish goals and

    measurements • Leading indicators ◦ Adoption rates ◦ Onboarding times ◦ Time to nth PR • Lagging indicators ◦ App retention rate ◦ Incidents/near misses mitigated ◦ ROI (time saved)
  17. @danielbryantuk Conclusion • 🏗 Build your platform intentionally • 🚉

    Watch out for the missing middle: “platform orchestratorsˮ • 👀 Struggling with scaling day 2 operations with your portal? • 👀 Infrastructure abstractions leaking to developers? • 🎯 Focus on “platform as a productˮ