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Travis and Fastlane

Travis and Fastlane

A brief introduction of travis and fastlane setup for iOS project in Cocoaheads Taipei

Steven Shen

July 10, 2015

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  1. % git add % git commit % git push Service

    hook Mac VM Xcode • Build • Test • Deploy • Notify
  2. Setup Availability Speed Easy Manual Cloud Private network Depends Medium

    Trouble shooting Hard Easy Cost Free for open source ….. $129/month for private repo
  3. Setup % gem install travis % vim .travis.yml language: objective-c

    script: - make notifications: email: false
  4. Code Sign • Encrypt your keys, certificates, and provisioning profiles.

    • Commit encrypted files to github • Decrypt and install before build
  5. % openssl aes-256-cbc -k "foo" -in certs/dist.cer -out certs/dist.cer.enc -a

    % openssl aes-256-cbc -k "foo" -in certs/dist.p12 -out certs/dist.p12.enc -a % openssl aes-256-cbc -k "foo" -in certs/dev.cer -out certs/dev.cer.enc -a % openssl aes-256-cbc -k "foo" -in certs/dev.p12 -out certs/dev.p12.enc -a % openssl aes-256-cbc -k “foo” -in certs/AppStore.mobileprovision -out certs/AppStore.mobileprovision.enc -a % openssl aes-256-cbc -k “foo” -in certs/AdHoc.mobileprovision -out certs/AdHoc.mobileprovision.enc -a before_script: - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/AdHoc.mobileprovision.enc -d -a -out certs/AdHoc.mobileprovision - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/AppStore.mobileprovision.enc -d -a -out certs/AppStore.mobileprovision - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dist.cer.enc -d -a -out certs/dist.cer - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dist.p12.enc -d -a -out certs/dist.p12 - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dist.cer.enc -d -a -out certs/dist.cer - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dist.p12.enc -d -a -out certs/dist.p12 Encrypt Decrypt Export
  6. % travis encrypt “SECRET=foo” --add env: global: - secure: eLo92Sw8KejuadMDTgY

    +bMAPow3D4zqkhBqXm8oUDctZn3qOJ5iJgMrNxfhSUx+AX/ jiT07+U0vicHWRjGtkIGBeZJ8FVJL7NZQbIbqa80g0+MT4CNk4bumUphY0 w+OOzsY8V4OKR90mUmzz3bVN8/ROFBZygeYBdiLnmhoQ93E= - secure: fGoTHN29GtCiux/ aGJ2wm3NYtbyIRh0vnfoJafYdzWC6lj0PWrv0KVF31rHA56f7wPVLFnLrx 2UhNzZHfMaavD9QSGVYNOcE2AVXuaRWnMrKmCjAkCW/7qnePwxcgcQTV +zQJTV523G4nDbWQMoQ9wugzTsxhj+Ob+ZF0cGEXUA= Use command line
  7. #!/bin/sh # create keychain security create-keychain -p travis ios-build.keychain security

    default-keychain -s ios-build.keychain security unlock-keychain -p travis ios-build.keychain security set-keychain-settings -t 3600 -l ~/Library/Keychains/ios- build.keychain # Certificate & Private key security import ./certs/cert.cer -k ~/Library/Keychains/ios- build.keychain -T /usr/bin/codesign security import ./certs/key.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/ios- build.keychain -P "$KEY_PASSWORD" -T /usr/bin/codesign # Provisioning profiles mkdir -p ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles cp "./certs/AppStore.mobileprovision" ~/Library/MobileDevice/ Provisioning\ Profiles/ cp "./certs/AdHoc.mobileprovision" ~/Library/MobileDevice/ Provisioning\ Profiles/
  8. language: objective-c osx_image: xcode6.4 before_install: - gem install fastlane before_script:

    - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/EMQAppStore.mobileprovision.enc -d -a -out certs/ EMQAppStore.mobileprovision - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/EMQDev.mobileprovision.enc -d -a -out certs/ EMQDev.mobileprovision - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/cert.cer.enc -d -a -out certs/cert.cer - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dev-cert.cer.enc -d -a -out certs/dev-cert.cer - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/key.p12.enc -d -a -out certs/key.p12 - openssl aes-256-cbc -k "$SECRET" -in certs/dev-key.p12.enc -d -a -out certs/dev-key.p12 - sh ./certs/install-keys.sh script: - make podfile: iOSApp/Podfile notifications: email: false slack: emq-inc:kPgGUXItHsgRsNtc77Fz3f3P env: global: - secure: OqyOY/I8QoucKb4uWY9xu9pkXgFoTahqiRl3BLOCJEbgKMKoUyDnk7N/ALktHp2S/NuB4zj5PNA50Lhb/ zAnI7cTgZT0qEDJv2yDIM/j0wQFEHbKQafEHDWj2vAnook8OBpXiiykqWIb1dKgXCjzcEDjxhSo5V6V5IsdFHVAAew= - secure: gAw0juDvfHolj0zg93f2qnCFBxetvFIBTsMCgHMzStk0DyKrsh4IV +1x2CCqSFWo5q4EbXmsKKeyQKqfreIbbQTmZkAmXjIiVg70LDVgsqk5COWUTRgn21pUGWUFosxAkSZZghEf0o3Z62jA6FgeJkCkP cSLszuE0Qlbiq0SFSw= - secure: eLo92Sw8KejuadMDTgY+bMAPow3D4zqkhBqXm8oUDctZn3qOJ5iJgMrNxfhSUx+AX/ jiT07+U0vicHWRjGtkIGBeZJ8FVJL7NZQbIbqa80g0+MT4CNk4bumUphY0w+OOzsY8V4OKR90mUmzz3bVN8/ ROFBZygeYBdiLnmhoQ93E= - secure: fGoTHN29GtCiux/ aGJ2wm3NYtbyIRh0vnfoJafYdzWC6lj0PWrv0KVF31rHA56f7wPVLFnLrx2UhNzZHfMaavD9QSGVYNOcE2AVXuaRWnMrKmCjAkCW /7qnePwxcgcQTV+zQJTV523G4nDbWQMoQ9wugzTsxhj+Ob+ZF0cGEXUA=
  9. Setup % sudo gem install fastlane % fastlane init %

    vim fastlane/Appfile % vim fastlane/Fastfile
  10. def unit_test xctest( workspace: 'EMQ.xcworkspace', scheme: 'EMQ-Demo', configuration: 'Demo', sdk:

    "iphonesimulator", arch: "i386", reports:[{ report: 'html', output: './test-report.html' }] ) slack( message: 'EMQ iOS App Unit Test', channel: '#dev-ios', default_payloads: [:test_result, :git_branch, :git_author, :last_git_commit], ) end before_all do ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABCDEFG/ABCDEFG/ABCDEFG" clean_build_artifacts cocoapods end
  11. lane :deliver_demo do #increment_build_number sigh xcodebuild( workspace: 'EMQ.xcworkspace', configuration: 'Demo',

    scheme: 'EMQ-Demo', identity: 'iPhone Distribution: EMQ Limited (28HUT34N52)', clean: true ) unit_test xcarchive( workspace: 'EMQ.xcworkspace', configuration: 'Demo', scheme: 'EMQ-Demo', embed: '../certs/EMQAppStore.mobileprovision', identity: 'iPhone Distribution: EMQ Limited (28HUT34N52)' ) xcexport resign( ipa: 'EMQ-Demo.ipa', signing_identity: 'iPhone Distribution: EMQ Limited (28HUT34N52)', provisioning_profile: '../certs/EMQAppStore.mobileprovision', ) testflight(skip_deploy: true) end
  12. • Easy setup • No maintenance • Github integration •

    Bad for trouble shooting • Automate your flows • Flexible, customizable • Life saver • Great for CI