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Letters of thanks - GR70

Letters of thanks - GR70

Tavistock Institute

December 05, 2017

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  1. Hello All, Thank you, thank you! I am still humming

    with what I gained from the four mornings this past week. Thanks so much for thinking it up, putting it on — and for being there in all the ways you each are. Wonderful. Warmest thanks and best wishes, Hope you are all recovering and being pampered! Jan x Jan McHugh
  2. Dear Mannie, An unbelievable conference! Thank you, thank you very

    much to you all! I have never experienced anything like it. It must have been so much work, so much! Yet, I hope it will be repeated, it changes the whole structure of conferences in the world. Who would anymore want to take part in these boring grey lecture hall meetings! Just take your time to recover and then... Thank you again for existing! With warm regards, Anja Salmi
  3. Dear Mannie I wanted to say how much I enjoyed

    the Conference last week. It was a real tonic and has got me engaged in thinking about aspects of my own life in ways that I have not really managed to do for a long time - in fact just what I'd hoped for. I thought the team managed the event really well through the choppy waters of the issues of our being in our seventies and the group process itself. And I would like to thank the whole team for creating such a constructive and living experience. Although my previous times of group work at the Tavistock were in the nineteen sixties and seventies those times have very much remained with me and this has continued that good personal work for me. May there be further such ventures. With best wishes John Way
  4. Dear Mannie, It was the most powerful experience of my

    life, I can assure you. But it was Eliat’s speech combined with the group relations event. I am just amazed how she is, running around in the Swiss Church, collecting trash from the lecture hall that the people have left there, sitting on the stairs when there is no chairs free and on the next day, giving a lecture like this. Much to learn from her to us all. Thank you so much. With warm regards, with gratitude, Anja Salmi
  5. Dear Mannie, I want to thank you to have accepted

    me in your "over 70" workshop and congratulate you for the idea and the preparation of this event. It was a great moment for me and, I guess, for all the participants. All the best Gilles Gilles AMADO Professeur émérite de psychosociologie des organisations à HEC
  6. Dear Mannie, It was so very good to see you

    again at the group relations event and around the Festival. I thought it was a fascinating event all round and the Group Relations Event for over 70s was an inspired idea and a thoroughly useful experience. I thought you could easily make it a quarterly ongoing experience and retain the open group nature to really good effect. I look forward to hearing from you, Best wishes, Marilyn Miller