We are always at the developer's point of view, supporting not only IBM platforms and services but also developers in all areas of technology and promoting market expansion in developers and the open source community.
continue to develop and keep connected developers! Our Activities! Establish a community of cities, technologies and practices to support developers' technical expertise (Developer Advocacy). In order to realize the necessary technology, we will provide code assets and increase the value that developers can achieve using IBM Code Patterns. The important thing is to encourage the same thing, privilege and nurture the same thing, inside IBM and outside the company. Extend IBM's leadership in the open community.IBM leads open source (IBM's internal open source process), embeds it into the code committer's assertive strategic community.
Cloud Docs⽇本語版 https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/?locale=ja [3] IBM Code Patterns ※英語版 https://developer.ibm.com/code/patterns/ [4] Medium Blog ※デベロッパーアドボケイトによるJourneyの⽇本語解説 https://medium.com/search?q=ibmjpcode