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First Steps to CI/CD for Module Development / モジュール開発向けCI/CDはじめの一歩

First Steps to CI/CD for Module Development / モジュール開発向けCI/CDはじめの一歩

Drupal Meeup 羽田#40

Drupalでモジュールを開発するためにGitLab CI/CDを利用してPipelineを回すための方法

Takahiro Komatsu

May 26, 2022

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  2. 4

  3. Open Source Conference - Eձ৔ 10:00-10:45 ηϛφʔηογϣϯ 
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  4. 11

  5. 13

  6. 15

  7. 17

  8. 18

  9. 23

  10. CI/CDΛߦ͏ͨΊͷπʔϧ - GitLab CI/CD (GitLab) 
 https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/ - GitHub Actions

 https://docs.github.com/ja/actions - Bitbucket pipelies (Bitbucket) 
 https://www.atlassian.com/ja/software/ bitbucket/features/pipelines 25
  11. GitLab - DrupalCon North America 2021 
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 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-3k805fFfIY - Acquia Code Studio 
 https://docs.acquia.com/code- studio/ https://about.gitlab.com 26
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  14. Conway, Melvin E. "How Do Comittees Invent?" Datamation 14, no.

    5 (1968):28?31 (޿ٛͷ)γεςϜΛσβΠϯ͢Δ૊৫͸ɺ 
 "Any organization that designs a system (de f ined broadly) will produce 
 a design whose structure is a copy of 
 the organization's communication structure." 32
  15. 34

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  17. ࢀߟࢿྉ 2 - GitLab CI/CD (GitLab) 
 https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/ - DrupalCon

    North America 2021 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIxbaT-jmNc - DrupalCon Europe 2021 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3k805fFfIY - Acquia Code Studio 
 https://docs.acquia.com/code-studio/ 41
  18. ࢀߟࢿྉ 3 - Conway, Melvin E. "How Do Comittees Invent?"

    Datamation 14, no. 5 (1968):28?31 
 https://web.archive.org/web/20191023135318/http:// www.melconway.com/Home/Committees_Paper.html - ʢ࡞ऀڐ୚ʣLINEελϯϓʮ͏·ϙϯ & ʹΌΜίπʯ 
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